
Why do you feel so entitled?

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maybe a decade ago the jerky boys put out a prank call to a lawyer saying he wanted to sue his employer because he was hurt at work verbally...this was the joke...10 years ago it was funny to say that i wanna sue b/c i was hurt by 2008 its common place!

there was a yahoo question b4 saying a kid didnt want to participate in gym b/c they may play football...and most of the answers said cry to your parents and they will talk to a guidance counselor... ok...why? you wont fail b.c. you arent good at football, you will fail if you dont participate...

every kid now-a-days thinks that everything has to accommodate what they want to do...let me say that life is give and take, you will not always get what you want, life will not always be kind, and your parents cant get you out of every situation in life that you dont wanna be in....

question the U.S. setting themselves up for failure in the next 15 years b/c kids today are too afraid to attempt obstacles that they are not comfortable with or their parents cant help them with?




  1. You hit the nail on the head.

    We are becoming a nation of whiners.

    We expect the gov to solve all our problems, we are losing our self-reliance.

    Compared to the people that risked their lives to settle this country - oh my God!

  2. I attempt obsitcles that was a c**p insulting question... I am smart and I take risks and I'm only 16.. parents dont need to help infact my parents dont help me at all and thats the way i like it for independence. get a better question that doesnt insult people.

  3. Life will come up behind you and bite you in the ****.  It will bite you hard and you won't even be expecting it.  It doesn't matter if you're white or black or legal or illegal it can and will bite you in the ****.  It's not just the US setting themselves up for failure.  We are in for ONE d**n RUDE AWAKENING.  

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