
Why do you feel so strongly about the evolution/creation debate?

by Guest66466  |  earlier

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The social debate that is. There is no scientific debate.

I think I feel strongly about it because I've always admired science and what it has brought the world. Religion has only brought us empty answers.

Maybe it was all of those dinosaur books I read as a kid. For those of you who want to claim I was brainwashed by science, I also had two children's' Bibles at the time which I cracked open regularly.

I've never been a Young Earth Creationist. I was an Old Earth Creationist for years and then a theistic evolutionary for awhile. Now I'm agnostic and realize evolution needs no designer.




  1. It is very important to me.

  2. I think there will always be a debate as long as people are allowed to think freely. No matter what; we as people can  only prove so much, as a person who believes in Evolution and Religion I can see both sides of the Debate. Although, I think I should explain further. I am a buddhist, they have multiple theories for creation but none of them strictly say that we did not evolve from bacteria (or whatever else the theory mentions) If we have scientific proof of such, wouldn't we be denying our very existence if we ignored it? My religion teaches that we should embrace knowledge, how can that be wrong? Still, I don't think that anything, if we were created or not should deny us the ability to learn everything that we can learn about life. I think that we should all keep an open mind to both so that we can learn as much as our mind will let us.  

  3. I am also agnostic. I believe Religion is just another form of government. I don't know why there is still debate to this day. Science is real. You kind of answered your own question.

  4. There is no debate.  This came to the forefront by a group of cynical right-wing politicians, publicly claiming there was some sort of ambiguity in science then there is none

  5. You are correct there is no science behind Evolution.

    Its the religon of Darwin.

    To me it takes a huge blind leap of faith to believe we all go here accientally.  All the evidence points to the contrary.

    The followers of Darwinism never talk about the facts which prove their religion wrong.

  6. Evolution may not need a designer but it does need some proof.  Please don't mistake evidence for proof.  They are not the same.  Evolution has never been observed, reproduced in a lab or proven to be fact.

    Your faith is strong.

  7. The debate ended 150 years ago.  Someone forgot to tell the fundamentalists.  That's what happens when you worship ignorance and authoritarianism.

  8. I see the teaching of Creationism in schools as further erosion of the boundary between church and state.  Teaching a religious theory public schools is clearly government endorsement of religious beliefs.  

  9. I think I feel strongly about it because I've always admired science and what it has brought the world. Religion has only brought us empty answers.

    I gotta agree with that.  Plus, I can't stand fools who won't open there eyes and see what is so plainly true.  

  10. First, because the creationist position is insulting to my intelligence.

    Second, because one can only buy into creationism by rejecting modern biology, physics, and any form of rationality that is not based purely in Biblical exegesis. And that is unacceptable in an era when the future of our societies and the world depends on rational, evidence-based decision making, now more than ever.

    Third, because evolution is that rare thing: a beautiful and inspiring myth which also happens to be true.  

  11. I feel strongly about it because i can't comprehend how people don't even question god related things, and god believers choose which parts of the bible are exaggerated and which aren't to suit their own intelligence. If you believe then you have to believe it all, if you don't then your a hypocrite.

    If you believe in god then why don't you go and kill some homosexuals ect

  12. Well, let's see.  I'm assuming you live in the United States.  You enjoy certain rights, like the right to your express your opinion on anything you choose to, including the people that govern you, without fear of reprisal, arrest, imprisonment, beheading, etc.  

    To live "free" is a wonderful thing and I'll bet you think that our government gives us those rights out of the kindness of their hearts.  If that were true then why don't people in other countries, particularly women in some countries, enjoy the same "rights"?  Why doesn't their government give them rights like we enjoy?

    Why can't they speak out against the people that govern them, injustices in all areas of their lives and government without fear of reprisal, arrest, imprisonment, beheading, etc.?

    Have you ever even "looked" at any of the documents that formed and continue to shape our form of government?

    One of the most important sentences in any of those documents is:

    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are CREATED EQUAL, that they are ENDOWED BY THEIR CREATOR with certain INALIENABLE RIGHTS, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

    If we have no creator, we cannot have any of the inalienable rights (rights that are impossible to take away or transfer) that were endowed (given freely and/or naturally) on us (BY OUR CREATOR, NOT THE PEOPLE THAT GOVERN US) in the Declaration of Independence.

    If we simply evolved from the primordial soup, we have no inalienable rights endowed on us by anyone or anything.  We could lose the "rights" we have at any moment to whoever decides we shouldn't have them.  We are even right now dangerously close to this happening, mostly because we are foolish enough to think that it simply couldn't happen.  

    WAKE UP, science is not going to preserve any of the rights we have.  While they are busy trying to prove we came from animals and amoebas, there are terrorists, extremists and other world governments whose people don't enjoy any rights, inalienable or otherwise, that are working continually to see that we don't have any of them either.

    I'm sorry if seems like I'm ranting but it is this kind of thinking that is going to be the undoing of this country that I love.  I'm old enough to have seen the changes that have happened in just a short 20 years, and they are frightening.  We are so blessed to have been born in this country, but seem not to appreciate any of those blessings.  We should thank our creator everyday for the protection our country has been afforded for the last 200 or so years.  Once the belief of a creator has been removed from our government, then we are truly at the mercy of the masses.  You only have to look at what's happening around the world to see the results of that thinking.

    in·al·ien·a·ble [ in áylee ənəb'l ]



    impossible to take away: not able to be transferred or taken away, e.g. because of being protected by law


    Main Entry: en·dow  

    Pronunciation: \in-ˈdau̇, en-\

    Function: transitive verb

    Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French endower, from en- + dower, douer to endow, from Latin dotare, from dot-, dos gift, dowry — more at date

    Date: 14th century

    1: to furnish with an income; especially : to make a grant of money providing for the continuing support or maintenance of <endow a hospital>

    2: to furnish with a dower

    3: to provide with something freely or naturally <endowed with a good sense of humor>

  13. "Why do you feel so strongly about the evolution/creation debate?"

    Because I want children to have the opportunity to have a full and rounded education and have the choice to use their potential to become a medical researcher and maybe help the ills of humanity.

    Cretinists want to stunt children's growth; they want to have children, and subsequently adults, that are easily scared and controlled by bogeymen and invisible sky critter scams.

    "Now I'm agnostic and realize evolution needs no designer."

    Awake at last.


  14. Because it's an insult to God to deny His credit for creating this amazing and totally miraculous world.  We wrongfully give ourselves the credit for "discovering how it really came to be".  

  15. I feel strongly about truth and I hate being lied to - especially about eternal things or things that cause people to stray from God.

    There is no such thing as evolution

    Microevolution is the Variation WITHIN genetic boundaries; even our own children have different variations in eye, hair and skin color - a better name for microevolution would be micro variation!  

    However, it is NOT evolution at all because the genetic material and variations already exist.

    A worm cannot turn into an eagle!   That would be true evolution or what is more commonly known as macroevolution.

    When we hear about a frog turning into a prince we KNOW that’s a fairytale – yet when scientists seeking only to be right, not absolute truth, tell us that a salamander turned into a human millions or billions of years ago – we call that Macro evolutionary science instead of Science fiction, which is the more accurate term!

    Evolution is the greatest engine of atheism invented by the mind of man!

  16. There is no debate.

  17. You weren't brainwashed by science.  You were brainwashed by evolutionists.  I would say the same thing for a young earth creationist who had no idea about the facts or why they believe what they believe (I am a young-earth creationist).  You are brainwashed in that you've inseparably connected science with one of its subsidiary philosophies.

    For all that science has brought into the world - what you are referring to is mechanical/operational science.  Every creationist I know is a big believer in this type of empirical science that can be tested and demonstrated in our present world.  There is no problem with science.  However, there is no technology available anywhere that has ever helped anyone that is a DIRECT result of the scientist believing either in evolution or creation.  All the science that has ever produced anything worth-while came from scientists who were interested in chemicals, processors, nuts&bolts, and genetic materiel etc...that was actually available to them - nothing of the imagined long ago and far away.

    Many times, "science" is actually a hindrance...such as the fact that the cure for most cancer has been known by since the 1970s, it has been demonstrated and clinically proven, yet the establishment (FDA) won't accept it because it didn't come from their own crew. There are more people making a living from cancer than there are dying from it, so a cure is seen as an economic crisis for all those currently busying themselves (and getting paid) trying to find a cure.

    As far as man's REAL problems, even empirical science has not been able to help.  There is still death, there is still suffering, there is still war (which I've been to twice), there is still disease, there is still hate, there is still hunger for millions, there are still oppressive regimes and governments that kill their own people for ideological differences.  Where is science for these things?

    While it is true that religion has empty answers, the Bible is a whole different story.  At the return of Jesus Christ, he will put an end to all of the above problems, and all of man kind will live in perfect harmony, in perfect "garden of Eden" conditions.  Religion is from the pit of h**l.  The truths of the Bible are not just about here an now (1 Cor. 15:19).  Truth is more lasting and more enduring.  Your focus on the world you currently see has potential to be your undoing.

    Bow down to the idol of science all you like.  There's only ONE answer the fits the bill for all, and science isn't it.

  18. I have discovered an unintentional mistranslation of scripture in the first five books of The Bible by our religious experts. This scripture was originally written as advanced scientific text written in layman's terms by someone who knew advanced fields of science that were unknown to any human at the time it was written. This discovery will lead to proving that the same non-human scientific mind that wrote this scripture would have had to know all about evolution and evidently in control of life evolving on Earth. This debate is far from over, it is just getting started.

  19.   Your  last sentence  answered  your  question;;

    evolution  need,s no designer,,

       and that  is  the very  reason  I  cannot  believe in evolution,

      you see  I  know  God  quite  well,,and  I  know  he  does not lie,

      and  I  know  he is very  real,  so my answer is simple.,

    I  know him so  I  can not  deny him,  and  God  does not lie.

  20. fun·da·men·tal·ism    

       1. A usually religious movement or point of view characterized by a return to fundamental principles, by rigid adherence to those principles, and often by intolerance of other views and opposition to secularism.

       2. An organized, militant Evangelical movement originating in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th century in opposition to Protestant Liberalism and secularism, insisting on the inerrancy of Scripture.

    What is Fundamentalism and Why is It So Dangerous?

    Fundamentalism is incompatible with freedom of religion.

    Fundamentalism is incompatible with democracy.

    Fundamentalism is incompatible with Christianity.

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