
Why do you feel that your GPA is not indicative of your future performance in a rigorous master's program?

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This is the question that is ask to people how want to apply to for a scholarship but don't have a high enough gpa of 3.0.




  1. Because your current GPA is not indicative of your abilities when taking into account your passion for your career. I can suck at history in high school and for good reason. High schools in the USA usually teach the same Colonial US History over and over again. But lets say that I have a passion for Japanese history and know all of the interacting history between Japan and the USA like the back of my hand. Interest and an enjoyment or passion for a specific career can make all the difference in the world.

    As far as a Masters program goes, this still applies. Probably more so since a Masters or PHD is very much more focused on that particular field of study, rather than taking gen ed courses to get your credits in Undergrad.

  2. Because life experience comes with intelligence. GPA only tell how well a student does in class, even if a student turns in all assignments, takes all the tests, they may only earn a C. Experience should be more important than grades.

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