
Why do you get stitch?

by Guest67138  |  earlier

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Me and my husband both run at home on the treadmill but sometimes we both get stitch we do a warm up first and dont eat before running so why do we get stitch??

None of us smoke

And also i get a pain in my shoulder like an ache on the top of my shoulder like my musle is being dragged down what is this???





  1. It's a muscle cramp and you get it if your body doesn't like what it's been put through :)

    Take it easy for a few days!

  2. Apparently stitch is caused by your internal organs being pulled downwards by the exercise!  Weird, I'd never heard that before!  To get through it you need to pull your stomach in really tightly, which i guess makes sense as it will stop your organs bobbing about so much!

  3. It can be that you are a bit dehydrated and need a drink, or you might have set off too quickly, or too much of an incline so your body is working too hard at the time. Slow the machine and walk it off then set off again and you should be fine.

    Avoid carbonated drinks and those with a high concentration of sugar and salt; fatty foods; apples, bananas and chocolate just before running and try not to eat too close to your treadmill session

    Not sure about the arm thing, sorry

  4. Make sure you are hydrated, eat some bananas (the potassium (sp) helps with all cramps).

    However, the best trick I know if is to pay attention to your breathing.  Take constant breaths, and alternate which foot is hitting when you breath out (left, right, left, etc.).  A common cause of a stitch is the liver and lungs pinching your muscles.  If you alternate your foot that is striding when you breath out, you put less stress on your torso.

    Good luck.

  5. I used to get the same regarding the stitch problem. It was caused by not drinking enough water. Make sure you're hydrated before your run and during. I'm not sure about your shoulder though. Maybe you should get that checked out by a doctor, if it continues.

  6. well i dont know what stitch is but to help you with that muscle problem you are probably REALLY tight. i used to get that. go in a hottub (if available you don't need to buy one) have your husband massage it for you that works.


  7. wtf is stitch?
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