
Why do you get up in the middle of the night to eat?

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Why do you get up in the middle of the night to eat?




  1. I don't, and you probably shouldn't, either.

  2. I don't.  That would take precious time away from what little sleep I do manage to get!  I can eat during waking hours.

  3. I dont and it is a good idea for anyone who does to stop because it will make you swell like a balloon.

  4. Because hunger is unforgiving

  5. I get hungry during those late night feedings ( I usually eat fruit)

    I am too lazy to cook that late ....trick to eating better late night

    snacking is to avoid buying any junk food that can be quickly'll find yourself reaching for graham crackers, yogurt or fruit!

  6. I don't.It is a bad habit that I do not want to get into..Not to mention,I am just too tired after baby gets up to eat usually to worry about eating.

  7. If i get up to go to the bathroom I sometimes do, because my bathroom is right next to the kitchen. And it is to hard to forget about those oreos that are 5 feet away.

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