
Why do you give information that is not relevant it the issue, just stick to the question ask?

by  |  earlier

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I ask a question about solar panels and have got some interesting replys. NONE of them addressed the issue I was bringing forth for people to think about. If anyone thinks that there is ONE answer you are fooling your self. Even if you are of the grid, you still need the grid unless you are producing EVERYTHING you need on your property, you need the rest of the world. I think the ides I saw were good average and mostly outdated concepts and facts. One person complaned about the cost of equiping a house to provide all their electric needs, yes that would cost a lot but it has nothing to do with the idea of putting a 1000 watts of power that the power co. does not have to produce. The fact that you are online shows you need electricty even if you go somewhere else to use it and you walk or use public trans, you are part of the problem as we all are. I was just just trying to suggest an idea to reduce the need to build big gen station for my computer. IT IS NOT THE ONLY ANSWER JUST ONE.




  1. Karen!!! I love your hair

  2. Have you thought about anger management?

  3. Based on your question, I don't think you understand the difference between being "off the grid" for electricity purposes and being "off the grid" generally.

    Being off the grid for electricity is not a problem IF you ahve enough solar panels to generate more than the energy you use AND have a stack of batteries to store excess power for when the sun goes down or its cloudy out.  Other than that, there is no real difference.

    Being off the grid generally means not doing anything that leaves a digital record.  Now that is very difficult in today's modern society (i.e., driver's license, bills, credit cards, job, retirement, etc.).  All those things create a record that brings you on the grid generally.

    And regarding your original question, perhaps to look at

    Good luck.

  4. I don't

    signed: a person who lived totally off grid for years

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