
Why do you guys not eat meat???

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And dont ask me "How would you like it if some animal ate YOU"??

Well i would hope i tasted good.....




  1. I don't like the taste.

    And I don't want to eat animals. I find it disgusting. But that is just my thought.

    It's my choice, just as it is for people who choose to eat meat.

    But don't get me wrong. If it were a life or death situation or I was starving to death and had no other choice; I would scarf down an animal no problem if it would help me survive.

  2. Meat isn't healthy and standard american diets which are high in red meats can lead to serious health prooblems like diabetes,high cholesterol,and high blood pressure,and increased risk of heart attack and breast cancer. Sticking to a diet of fruits,veggies,nuts,legumes,yogurt,and a small amount to no meat is a recipe for a healthy life. If you have a strong craving for more meat in your diet turn to fish and poultry.

  3. It's completely wrong to kill another animal just because you think it tastes good. It's healthier to be vegetarian(lower risk of heart disease, less fat, etc.), it's better for the environment (animals are killed in factory farms which pollute the environment), and it's better for the animals (every vegetarian saves 90-100 animals a year).


  5. We don't need meat, and we don't feel that taste is good enough of a reason  to eat it.

  6. i don't eat meat simply because i don't like the taste, just like you might not like carrots or eggs. It really has nothing to do with animal rights or my moral issues.

  7. first, i love animals and i could not hurt any animal, second i cant because the animal products make me sick, just to think it came from an animal, and third we do not have the right to abuse them,

  8. Which would you like to eat? Raw vegetables or raw meat?

    Meat is the reason for most of diseases such as: cancer, diabetes, heart attacks, strokes and even EDs. Not to mention obesity.

    So, no thanks, Id rather be vegan then kill myself off.

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