
Why do you guys think of all the players that are Mexican-American?

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I mean look, I guess there's a little debate in the players like Francisco Torres, Michael Orozco, Edgar Castillo, Carlos Bocanegra, and Sonny Guadrrama.

*******Dynamo and BeautifulFutbol or other excrutiation people that make discussion worse, not you Dynamo ro BeatifulFutbol., please dont talk smack, Its just a point of view, and please express your views but in a way that people wont get ticked off.*((((((((((((((((((*******

I think players like Francisco and Edgar Castilo, are extremely opportunist, Francisco Torres is just waiting for who is going to call him first USA or Mexico just liek Edgar Castillo, and if your are basing your choice on that then you have no pride or idea what you want.

Edgar I: am happy he chose Mexico, but then after what I read about him choosing USA if he had, than he has no love for the shirt.

I mean if I had a choice I'd play in Mexico because that's where my parents and heritage are form. I am 100000000000% grateful for the life and luxury the US has brought to me and my family, but I think pride and your roots come first, but then again its retarded for me to say that because Polish people and German that are born in US don't have a debate on the issue, in way for who they want to play.

So final thought, a player should choose the team and shirt because they love with all their heart, and would defend the lag of the country with blood and tears, not matter what not like Castillo ro Francisco that are just waiting for the opportunity to see who si going to call them first.




  1. Id play for Mexico because im proud of being a


  2. choose the country you won't regret, the one you feel you want to play with not what people tell you they want you to play with, make sure you won't regret the decisions cause to choose the country someone wants to play with is a lifetime.

  3. well edgar castillo was never called to the US to play. mexico called him first. sucks for the US..i mean its great that we mexican americans to play for mexico. if they give a chance to play pro and succeed why not. i mean half of the mexican american that play in mexico still woulndt be playing pro hear in the US..its good that they play in mexico..i mean thats what i plan to do to.

  4. You forgot to add Corrales from the USMNT and the guy who won the reality show and is now playing for Chivas USA but yeah, about what you said, they should choose the country they love, weather it's Mexico or USA and not who ever chooses them first. I think it's very sad that dude from Chivas USA chose USA even though he was born in Mexico and has no American blood on him but I would rather have him there than being in Mexico and wishing he was with USA.

  5. I think that they're just a bunch of "habladores" and losers that will never accomplish anything with the pathetic us team. We don't need retards like that in el tri anyways.

  6. i would choose the king of CONCACAF EL TRI

  7. i dont care. im sure most of the people here are mexican-american. i have dual citizenship but id play for the usa. believe it or not a lot of people in mexico dont accept mexican-americans. plus  it would be fun to shove it in my people's faces back in zacatecas. MEXICAN IS NOT A RACE. IM LIGHT SKINNED AND IM MEXICAN.

  8. Mexico is cool.the country and people that is.they have their problems also so they arent perfect and neither is the US or any country for that matter.

    I have family from Mexico.but I choose the US.I love the US.I like Mexico also and I root for them but sometimes I dont like how some Mexican fans talk smack about the US.

    on the flip side the US fans dont need to talk smack either.

    its really dumb sometimes.

    either way I will always be American first.I grew up here my whole life and the US is the country I adore.

    I dont me it seems like a mother and grandmother.

    I love both my mother and grandmother.

    but I will always love my mother more.

    the US gave me air and its my mother in essence.

    my grandmother is kind of like my grandmother came far before grandmother is Mexico in essence.

    Im a descendent of her.

    my country comes before my roots.

  9. I was born here in the states but would play for Mexico. I love to live here but I love my people and my roots.  I look more Mexican than American, and when Americans see me they say I'm Mexican so whats the big deal if I were to choose Mexico.

    I have Dual-Citizenship so I really am both no matter what anyone says. VIVA MEXICO!!!!

  10. i agree with u on the last paragraph

    i chose usa

    i like both sides and leagues

  11. i also have dual citizenship. but this is the way i see it. there is no way u can have american blood. the US i not a race or whatever, its a bunch of races. on the other hand, mexican is a race and it i one of those races that makes up the US. i am 100% mexican because my mom and dad are mexican. i just happened to be born in america.  

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