
Why do you hate Chinese so much?

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What do people these days hate Chinese so much? I am hated at school because people there are prejudice. Has nothing changed over the years? The Chinese Exclusion Act was passed, then repealed. Are you guys mad about that? I thought only people at my school hated Chinese, but now I see that even people on Yahoo Answers hate Chinese too? I just saw this question and people were saying that Japanese were better. People who stuck up for Chinese got a low rating. I wanted to stick up for my country, but I was afraid of being discriminated.;_ylt=As74oSJxzNpkYgSjC0Bom5Lsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080820073024AA0RMnh&show=7#profile-info-15KD9DfGaa

You have all learned to accept African Americans. Why can't you learn to accept Chinese.




  1. I don't hate Chinese people,

    Actully growing up in a mostly chinese school, most of my friends were chinese.

  2. You are living in the wrong country, move Down Under to Australia, a lot of our men love Asian women because they look so delicate and beautiful, it's nothing out of the ordinary to see an Australian coupled with an Asian down here.

  3. :( I don't hate the have your racists and you don't...that's

  4. I couldnt possibly hate an entire race!!

  5. I am Chinese. How can I hate my own race? Don't make friends with the racists. Make friends with those who will like you for who you are and won't hate you just because you're Chinese. That's what I do.

    The reason of why people hate Chinese is unclear but all I can conclude is that there are jealous people in this world and they probably want to be Chinese but are angry that they're not and to make themselves feel better they make themselves hate Chinese. Another reason people may hate Chinese is because they think they have a violent nature when reality America is too soft. A recent reason may be because of the Tibet debate. Some people only listened to Tibet's side of the story and didn't even look at China's point of view. So the people on Tibet's side hate Chinese because they think that they are cruel to Tibet.

    Also remember that there are people who think China is cool. Everyone dreams of going there. China is an amazing country. If people would just look at China's progress through the years, they'll see that China isn't as bad as they think.

  6. I don't hate the Chinese.

    I'm black and have been the subject of racism more often than I care to count..

    It would be hypocrital of me to hate another culture just because they're different than me.

  7. my dad told me it was because China is becoming more involved in international affairs and that so many merchandise are being made in China,more people are used to making fun of the chinese.idkThat's sad that you are being hated in your school for being chinese i know how that feels like.Your probably a cool person:)

    As for the people in yahoo answer,they are just losers who aren't brave enough to go say it right in your face and are cowards bashing on other people's race on the internet.

    I'm chinese too:)

  8. Lol.

    How can i hate people i dont even know....Calm down on the anti-depressents.......

    Theres ppl in every race that get discriminated againts truust me, so just ignore dem......deyr probly jealous and wanna be chineseee =]

  9. Disliking someone because of his/her race, creed, color, ethnicity, etc., is foolish and irrational.  Nothing else really needs to be said.

  10. I don't hate the Chinese.

    I respect their culture; but I think because their culture is so different from ours, they shouldn't come over here in their (oh, say 20s to make a living when they can't speak English well and arn't accustom to or respectful of our culture.)

    Other than that, they're fine and I don't care if they come over here as long as they were born over here. But even if they immigrated over here, I wouldn't hate them... I may get annoyed but yeah.

  11. i'm not gonna lie. i don't like chinese to be honest but i try not to judge people from their background. i at least try to know the person.

    there are lots of  reasons why i don't like chinese but the main reason is that chinese do not accept others. how can we accept people who don't accept others? it's not that we accepted african americans nor vice verse but it is simply that we now know how to live in hormony. what you've said is pretty offensive. in where i live, chinese people never learn to speak english nor make any efforts to, making small chinese communities everywhere speaking chinese everyday. they don't accept flatmates who are not chinese. in short i don't like them because they don't seem to respect other cultures and do things which we consider outrageous.

    i know these are stereotypes but there are reasons why they perpetuate: the majority is actually stereotypical. you have to live with it as a member of a particular group. i get stereotypical prejuduce as well but i know some of those do not apply to me and so simply ignore people who have such ideas. it is always the minorities who have to suck it up.

  12. I don't know about going as far as hate. But Asians in general are not accepted..yet. Look at Hollywood, They perceive us as nerds or kung fu brawlers. Hardly ever lovers, or a strong male figure that doesn't need to do karate chops. Just my Opinion.

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