
Why do you hate Conspiracy Theorists?

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any contrary evidence is part of the grand conspiracy and should be ignored." Have you ever thought about the fact that the opposite is also true? Anything coming from a source not considered part of the mainstream media is automatically considered, by some, to be the fantasy of "conspiracy theorists''




  1. No its you that hates em

  2. Nope, don't hate them, but I do question their theories.  Most times the theories do not hold up very well to questions, which is why theorists attack anyone who questions them, and not the official story.

  3. I do not.

  4. Hate is a stronge word. Misguided would be better. Most of the conspiracy theories are never proven to be true, but somehow linger.

    Two examples: the Kennedy Assassination and the 9/11 attack. Now, if there was more to it than what we know, wouldn't some details come out? Has everyone been quiet since 1963? Is there anything that's been covered up for that long without a leak?

    And, even if more stuff came out, would it get any lives back?

    In those cases, I think that too many people have trouble believing that one man could end the life of a popular President, or that a handful of people could cause so much damage. But I haven't heard a good reason as to why the official explanations aren't true.

  5. I don't think people hate them. People think theres no reason to be compelled by junk on internet compared to junk on TV. Just because it's floating around on internet or some 'community' doesn't mean it should automatically receive more credibility than 6oclock news. If you can't trust mainstream media what makes conspiracy theorists so special?

  6. im a big conspiracy theorist...dont mean i beliee everything or think everything is part of a bigger scheme of things, but a lot of stuff just cant be waved off, laughed, off, or skirted when people scoffa t me, i just smile and say so? that gets them everytime.....

  7. do you trust your government?...really?...

  8. I feel sorry for people that involve themselves too much with things they have no control over and will never find the answer to.

  9. Like you said, that's what I'm told to do, or at least laugh at them.

    Considering Fox, and other mainstream media organisations, have many very clever people working for them, how on earth could I work such things out for myself, compared to them.

    Also the President has said that they are outrageous, and he is a Christian who is trying to protect us all, so it would be unthinkable that he could either lie, or do anything to hurt us.

    Seriously though, the media is getting more and more blatant in disseminating gov propaganda, at least in the UK, where the BBC just released a documentary that Goebbels would have been proud of, which is very sad, I had the illussion that although obviously biased, BBC news wouldn't stoop to knowing lies.

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