
Why do you hate Kyle Busch?

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even though he is part of Joe Gibbs, i hate him because he loves to wreck Jr...I'm not saying i'm a jr fan, but i dont like it when you intentionally wreck the SAME person over and over again...choose someone else to wreck if you're gonna wreck someone




  1. When he first started I didn't hate him I just disliked his driving style (wrecking everyone around him). I figured that he would grow out of this but he hasn't. I have grown to hate him more and more as time has gone bye. He has a bad attitude and doesn't care about anyone else on the track. Richmond was an excellent example of this. During the Nationwide race Steven Wallace bumped the back of his car and he became a big baby saying that it was dirt driving then started a fight. He said that Steven moved out of his way because he knew that Kyle would wreck him. He then said that he didn't care how many cars he had to wreck to win. The next night he wrecks Jr he issued no apology and said it was just a racing thing.


  3. He's the best

  4. I hate his attitude, and his arrogance. He can be cocky, but he doesn't have to be an a$$. And after the whole bowing at the all star race, and the weekend before when he wiped fake tear during the lap in the truck, I just lost the last tiny shred of respect I had. Friday at Richmond Steve Wallace just rubbed his bumper and he wanted to fight, but then he does the same thing to Jr the next night and it was just racing. He thinks there should be a double standard. He can drive aggressively, but nobody else can. He's just a punk in my opinion, and his career will be adversely affected.

  5. I dont hate him at all and i love his style, think about it JR is always stickin around the front and thats where Kyle is always  tryin to get ,and   he usually gets there and Jr has happend to be in his way a few times or something

    I think Jr would have said something or retaliated in someway if he felt that way i dont think he "intentionally" does it

  6. He just irritates the heck out of me. Also wrecking people all the time doesn't help.

  7. I agree with Ben, Kyle doesn't have respect for his fellow drivers yet he feels that he deserves that respect.  He had a problem with Brad in a Nationwide race questioning Brad's driving skills and not respecting Kyle who was on the lead lap but back in the pack.  I feel if you're a superstar driver in the cup series driving in a lower series you have to expect a lesser experienced field.  If that doesn't suit Kyle than maybe he should only race in the cup series.  Dale senior would intimidate other drivers but he had respect for them and they respected him.

  8. I do not hate Kyle Busch, I do not hate any driver.. He is just not my favorite, he is just someone that gets on my nerves, just alittle to arogant for me thats all... I use to feel the same about Kurt, he matured and I'm sure Kyle will in a few yrs as well, I'm totally okay with Kurt now...I'm just not a Toyota fan thats the biggest part of it..

    Go Dale Jr & Hms

  9. I don't "hate" him, because I don't really know him.  This bad guy persona of his may well be just a PR stunt.  It has caught everyone's attention, hasn't it?

    If it isn't an act, then he must want people to hate him.  Ta-da!  He wins again!  lol

  10. People hate him because he has had some great success lately while jr hasn't won in quite a long time.   I would guess that jr fans see Busch as a threat to jr ever winning a championship.

  11. I'm a DIE-HARD Dale Earnhardt Jr. fan, and I have nothing against Busch in relation to Earnhardt Jr.

    I haven't liked Busch because I've always thought he spent more time in the garage than on the track. Kyle and Kurt always seemed to wreck out somehow, or have engine problems at nearly every race. I just never thought they were that wonderful. I'm happy Kyle finally got some success, that's great.

    And I'm sorry but Earnhardt fans need to get over the Busch and Junior accident from a couple weekends back. Yes, I was angry that Dale finished 15th because of that. But this is RACING, wrecks happen. If they can't handle that, then they should just not be fans of the sport. Plus, that was one time, I haven't seen Kyle try to attack Dale recently.

    We should all learn from Dale Jr., he gets angry, but he doesn't lose his head. He could've slammed Kyle into wall, as revenge last weekend. He could do a lot of things, but he doesn't because that's not who he is. He was angry, yes, but he doesn't go pointing fingers when something goes wrong. He gets over it, and he races even harder the next weekend. He's a determined driver, who knows the things that can and probably will happen on the track. It's part of racing, you win some, you lose some.

  12. Because 'cocky' is one personality trait that I CANNOT stand .  I can get by his one squinty eye, his lopsided sh*teating grin, his runs-the-family monster ear(s).  I can get by all that, but his "I'm sooo much better than everyone else" attitude I can't take it.

    Yeah, being a racecar driver you have to believe you are the best...but to think and publicly insinuate that you are God's gift to the world is too much.  He doesn't respect other drivers, the sport, or the fans..THAT PAY HIS SALARY!!!  s***w him.

  13. I don't hate any driver, but do hate Chevy teams. So I'm glad Wild Thing left Team Satan and joined up with Coach. I couldn't stoop low enough to pull for any of the Hendrick drivers.

    But a lot of people did hate Earnhardt when he was driving so recklessly, so naturally Kyle drives like him and some will hate Kyle for that. These things go in cycles you know. 80s was Earnhardt, 90s was Gordon, now the new millenium brings us Wild Thing. All hail Wild Thing!

  14. I wouldn't use the word hate, but strong dislike.  I used to be a Kyle fan, I love his passion for what he does.  My husband and I were talking about this the other day.  The kid LOVES what he does.  He doesn't get paid (really paid) to do the truck races but he's out there because he loves the sport.  HOWEVER loving the sport does not mean taking it into the corner so hard you are wrecking people every week.  That's his problem.  He needs to control his passion and channel it with this talent into something.  He can keep going the way he is going or he is going to make an enemy with everyone in the garage.  In addition he drives a Toyota...gross.

  15. kyle is cool but he gets to cocky sometimes

  16. I FREAKIN HATE KYLE BUSCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. He drives a Toyota.

  18. I don't hate him he just needs to calm down, and not use the front bumper so much. But what would NASCAR be without the "Bad Seed"??  Absolutely Nothing.

  19. hes a good driver hes talented he wants to win. for some reason people dont like that...

  20. I don't hate the guy, but I don't like him very much.  I don't like it when he's aggressive because he's shown that he cares little about whether or not someone else gets taken out as a consequence.  There is smart aggressive and not-so-smart aggressive.  He should avoid the latter and pursue the former.  And the things he says in the interviews after the wrecks just make me cringe (I suspect it might make some of his fans cringe also).  I love his passion for driving but not the attitude the he brings along with it.

  21. I don't care for him because he seems to think the world owes him everything. Nothing is ever his fault. At the rate he runs his mouth he will soon become a sponsors nightmare.

  22. Kyle is not the guy you see in interviews . (I swear) I refuse to judge him on those  . I wish people knew the Kyle I know and his fans know , you guys are missing out big time .

  23. You make it sound like he's sent Jr. barreling into the wall every race this season, he has not intentionally wrecked Jr. over and over again!

    examples please...

  24. I don't hate Kyle, I sort of liked him before he moved to Gibbs. I believe in karma.

  25. I dont hate him, now im a Jr fan, dont like that Busch wrecked him, but hey, thats rac'n and if you dont like it get outta the sport.  Now I cant stand his brother Kurt, not sure why, I just do.

  26. stick to your "ball" games

  27. dont put words in my mouth...

  28. Hate is such a strong word...

    His cocky attitude and lack of responsibility are some of the reasons I don't like him.

    Every time he steps in front of a microphone he reinforces my opinions a little more.

  29. I enjoy the entertainment part of watching him drive and I don't "hate" any of the drivers. I like some more than others. He isn't a fave but he is adding a lot of excitement in the races this year!

  30. I hate Kyle Busch because he is a jerk off to the fans and he looks like Big Bird! lol He is ugly...

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