
Why do you hate Miley Cyrus?

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Is it because she can't act and sing

Or is it because she is overrated

Those are my reasons above :)

Feel free to express




  1. I dont hate her..I think haters are just jealous of her and need to get a life and stop posting stupid questions about her.  Obviously you like her enough to waste 5 points on her!  Get over it and move on get a hobby, life whatever, she didnt do anything to you so leave her alone...I am so sick of you little 13-16 year olds talking trash about miley, jonas brothers, demi, selena, etc.  GET OVER IT!!!

    and before you say oh you probably are 14 whatever im 18 so stick that in your juice box and suck it!!

  2. Those aren't reasons to hate her. They're reasons to not be a fan of hers.

  3. well first stuff i hate about her :

    _She cant' sing, her voice is like idk sound like somebody choking

    _Disney only picked her cuz her dad is Billy Ray

    _Some pics were very S****y and all those kids are looking up to her

    Stuff i like about her :

    _I can connect to some of her songs like dat song "I miss you" it was very touching

    _Taking in haters well haha

    and i meant i do understand sometimes u know teen take those kinda photos all the time and post it on their myspace it just she get punish cuz she famous

    well either way she ok

  4. i bet you you don't know the definition of overrated.

  5. wow i am so with you

    i also hate her cause =

    1. she is EVERYWHERE!!!

    2. she got the cover of seventeen magazine (and that spot is saved for people with talent)

    3. there is a person on her show that sings better than she can.  

  6. she's got some good music, but she's taking some racy pictures, and thats not a good role model.

    +she is overated (:

  7. cause i do :)

  8. both those reasons

    and she's a s l u t

    and a bad role model

    and she seems really fake

    and obnoxious

  9. i agree with you 100%!! omg she cant sing, cant act, cant dance, cant smile, cant be a role model, she cant talk!!!!!!!!!!!!!  omg she is overrated and disney seriously needs to kick her off. poor little kids, dont no the difference between a s**t and an actual role model. WHY DID DISNEY CHOOSE HER!!

    i love this question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

    choose me for bst answer pleez =] lol

  10. Well first of all it is not good to hate , say "dislike". And one thing that really bothers me about her is: Is it hannah montana or miley cyrus!?!

    They are the same person!! It was ok when it was a TV show but when she started singing everywhere it got out of control!!

  11. she is overrated. and  shes supposed 2 b a good role model for kids but like how she took not-so-great pictures, it sets a bad example

  12. She can't act or sing but the worst reason is because she asks like she owns the world and everyone owes her.

  13. I don't.

  14. i relly think shes S****y and shes not a good role model and she is sooooooooooooo annoying

  15. both of them what  you said  

  16. Your reasons and she is ugly

  17. I don't hate her but I'm not her "#1" fan anymore. Reasons:

    Have you seen her racy pictures online?

    She has a good voice but she thinks she's country, she's not.

    Although I watch Hannah Montana, the T.V. songs SUCK!

    She thinks she's queen of the world.

    She wishes she was still dating Nick.

    She takes things to extreme


  18. i think my list would be way too long hahaha

  19. i like your reasons and i feel the same way

    i also think that she's stuck up and gets everything she wants

    like the stupid birthday she's having by renting out all of Disney world

    she's also a s**t because she after her break up with nick she takes pictures of herself (half naked) with a shirtless guy  

  20. probally because she is disappointing us lately by her bad actions and she  never gets in trouble for it!

  21. I just dont like her.

  22. I feel the same way you do, and because she tries to be a role model when actually one of the worst I have ever seen.

  23. How is she overrated? She is a great singer. She is a great actress.

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