
Why do you hate me?...?

by  |  earlier

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list the things you don't like about me.




  1. I don't. I can't image why a person would hate an entire race of people. It makes no sense.  

  2. Because you're beautiful!  

  3. 1. You're rude

    2. You never called me back after our date

    3. You eat with your elbows on the table

    4. You still owe me $20

  4. Wow, D'Anthony.  Where are you from?

    You know no one is dumb enough to actually answer this question and you know everyone who writes 'I am not racist' 'I don't know you so I can't hate you' are the racist ones...

  5. I don't even know why you are asking this question. It's like begging racists to insult you. I don't judge people by their race, religion, culture, or anything else. Because I don't want people to assume I'm arrogant, rich, snobbish, or racist just because I'm white, I don't hate people because of the color of their skin. You miss out on to many people, who are better, smarter, nicer, or stronger than you by denying yourself to get to know people. I learned along time ago that if you fear difference, life isn't worth living. I don't know you, so I can't hate you.

  6. Ok because no one has answered yet I think I'll take a stab at it. Now from what I read you were specifically asking people who are not black..however I don't like to follow the rules :) any way I believe people have problems with other races because they do not understand one another. A lot of us rely on stereotypes to define people's characters in other race's. Whatever reason anyone gives you is not going to be accurate unless they honestly say it is because I am naive to your culture and who you really are and vise versa.

  7. I hate the fact you are playing the race card?

  8. i dont hate you i love you.

  9. who said i hate you ... i like all good nice people no matter their

    look ,color ,religion,language ...the soul ,personality..are determine if i like you ..if you nice good definitly i like you.

    all the people are the same whether ..white or  balck or any other color

    in every people there is good  & bad people ...if some one is bad

    that doesnt mean that all his nation like him ..humans are personalities

    not the looks . in the end we all have the same needs ,fear. as human.

  10. i don't know you.  so i can't hate you.  and the color of your skin wouldn't matter in any way.

    so you are basically asking why do people hate people who are black?

    i have no idea.  preconceived notions?  ignorance?  intolerance?  idiocracy?

    people are stupid.  really stupid.  and they never take the time to educate themselves on stuff they dont' know about.  they just take other peoples' thoughts and never form their own.

  11. i don't hate black ppl

    why would i !!

    in fact i hate the ppl who hate u  

  12. I dont. I have seen equally likable and hateful blacks and whites. I think only idiots stereotype people by race.

  13. By posting this question you are asking for trouble. You already know the answer. Hate is perpetrated and caused by ingorance. The key is not to return the favor, and carry yourself accordingly.  

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