
Why do you hate politics?

by  |  earlier

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I hate them because it divides a nation... forces us to fight amongst ourselves... and are solely based on mudslinging.

If you hate politics, tell me why...

At some point, don't people say "ENOUGH!!"




  1. No I do not hate politics.  What I hate are the children that enjoy agitating others here.

  2. i know this sounds like a conspiracy..and maybe it is..but i think they like the party system and it helps them continue their real motive which is the north american union. oO

    i hate politics/politicians because none of them really represent what i want for this country. I want the debt of 9trillion dollars to be removed..

    i want all the ridiculous laws that control us to be removed..i want the welfare system to be removed ..i want the illegal aliens to be shipped back to mexico..and for there to be actual consequences for illegal aliens...and to get rid of the double's okay for illegal aliens from mexico to come over but if they are from any other country it is not.

    none of the politicians adress the real issues..because i think they want to distract us from their real motives..

    also..all the politicians forced the global warming idea onto us..

    there is plenty of evidence to couteract the global warming argument.

    one thing is for sure though..nomatter who you vote for or if you the next 4-6 years the entire world will be changing- the average american has no idea how much things are going to change...

  3. i love politics, its the politicians i hate

  4. I believe you need to give your position a little more thought. What type of government do you desire, one that is forced upon you, one that is passed down via family blood line, military take over? Our system of government is the best in the world. Each person has a say in what the future holds. Just take a few seconds to look around the world and see the sad situation in so many countries. Thank God for our system.

  5. I don't hate politics.  It's only recently that things have become the way you describe.  Get off this board and find places where you can discuss things in a civil and respectful manner.  You'll probably need to meet up with people in person though, the anonymity of the Internet allows everyone to be rude and ignorant and they are not held to account for it.

  6. All of the pretending. They're saying they're for family values or for change when their campaigns are financed by the military-industrial-oil-banking complex. They have to do what big businesses want or they won't be able to afford to campaign the next time around.  

  7. It's so stressful when the other side is so ignorant they can't see why they're wrong.  I'm being facetious.

  8. I don't.  Politics is a fascinating process in a democracy.  It's some politicians I dislike.  

  9. I don't like being patronized by people who are $300,000 suit wearing philanthropist and then ask me to vote for their husband with a straight face because he has a plan to "help people like me." LOL. It pretty much sums up the ridiculousness of American politics these last few years.

  10. I have a love/hate thing with politics...

    I really just feel strongly about the issues and only the issues...

    unfortunately, it's me against the modern world sometimes...

  11. You are exactly right!!!

  12. I love politics, most people are the same and they are sheep. You just have to say the correct thing and they rally behind you blindly. I love it. Just look at my speech, from no one to everyone loves me in no time!

  13. Politics relegates a candidate's intelligence and leadership to the mere ability to buy dumb voters.

    Campaigns CONVINCE the dumb masses, and leave the educated and concerned hanging and wondering what the h**l the plans are.

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