
Why do you hate the United States of America?

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You watch our movies, "play" on our web-sites, and look to us for protection, so why do you hate us?




  1. i don't mind the USA, great country and great people (my girlfriend being one)... don't like your government though

  2. I love the USA.

    People are just hating. lol j/k.

    It's okay if people don't like us. It's a form of flattery.

  3. I've been reading more Anti-Chinese questions than America-hating.

  4. I love the usa!

  5. we dont hate anyone......we just dont respect scumbags like you

  6. Because a lot of you only see the world from your TV and don't travel much outside your own country. I was shocked that only 11% of Americans have passports. It shows that you don't travel well and hence from what you see o TV you assume everything can be solved the American way.

    I met Americans when I was travelling and they said they saw Europe different to what they saw on TV/Books etc. they were the Americans you don't see getting interviewed on TV or who star on TV/politics and make Americans look stupid and arrogant. I actually met two Texans who voted Democrat (I didn't think they existed).

    The were also the ones who would make the country look better.

    I don't hate Americans btw, nice country though, I think Yosemite and seattle are good places to go.

  7. People living in other countries think we owe them something because we have so much money floating around. What those people don't realize is that we are already spending millions (if not billions) of dollars on sending aid to various parts of the world.

    We are, more or less, like the cops. Some love us, most hate us, but when you need us, you'll ask for our support.

    Who cares if they hate us. We aren't the ones living in some crappy third-world country.

  8. Why is this in the olympics category?  GO USA

  9. I didn't hate you before....until you asked that question.

  10. Um Okay?

    EDIT: You guys don't have to thumb me down, I'm just saying that this question is pointless and it's starting trouble.

  11. I felt like the world will never be peaceful. You sounded like you wanted to start something that will anger a lot of people.    

  12. American "don't like peace" they like wars and always involved.

    American enjoy "killing people" Iraq and Afghanistan innocent citizen.

    American is very funny because they are "narcissistic".

    Conclusion: American "SUCKS"

  13. Why are you so image-conscious and paranoid? Does everyone have to 'love' you before you are happy?

  14. Don't look at me, I don't. Beautiful country and great people.  

  15. I am Canadian, I don't hate the United States of America. I am just not too thrilled when some Americans call all Canadians just a bunch of whiners. Yea. and they will probably claim I am a whiner for saying that too. After all Canada is America's biggest trading partner for goods.  

  16. To all you "haters", haven't you ever heard of "don't believe everything you hear"(like the media, and especially if you don't live in the U.S. ). Look at our history and what the U.S. has gone through. We know we still have issues within our government, but who said we're perfect? If you're going to follow the crowd and hate us, go suck an egg!

  17. I dont hate the USA, per say , just the fact that you think we owe you a living!

    I dont play websites I use websites for much valued info, I watch hollywood shows as there are few others available, as you have simply flooded the market with your brand of  bullshit entertainment! but when there is an alternative? they are generally of a better standard, I do not and never have and never will look to the USA for protection, just maybe to watch my back! but if I did that I would also have to watch my wallet!

    Quite frankly any country that whines and moans about gun laws and the right to bear arms and then, it seems, every second person runs off to a therapist for a close encounter (is it because you have no friends to talk to?) cannot be trusted!  Why would anyone give you people a gun! go figure?.I personally, and many of my peers (from all walks of life and nationalities - excluding Americans) am sick of your obnoxious, arrogant, self deluded superiority complex,, the USA is not a super power, it is only an empire on the way down, as all empires do! The USA has never been the best at any thing, but trying to tell you that can be an impossible task, I cant be sure if it is because you (USA) are dumb or just ignorant! Take sports as one instance - (I have many instances all backed up by researchable statistics, which are easy enough to find! I will not do it for you) I will run through some of them for you,

    eg; (a) Australia has 23 million people, they  will win more medals in the Beijing games on a medal per population scale (far more actually) they will make the USA look like old men and women! and maybe, just maybe, you may stop crowing about your very limited sporting achievements (b) Australia has more people at the cutting edge of important medical  and technological discoveries than the USA examples being - cancer research and cancer research breakthroughs, IT Technology etc (c) Australia is one of the richest countries in natural resources, they dont need yours, but the government chooses to trade with the USA . I would imagine? just to keep the peace and cut out your whining . If you all, as a nation, just kept your collective mouths shut and listened to others who may know better, then we may all start to see eye to eye. At this juncture in time the USA is probably seen as ' the pain in the ****'. I have traveled, lived and worked all around the world and the most tiresome, annoying people are the people from the USA, I am sure that there are some good ones, but where? I am living and working in China at the moment, the USA and the people from the USA are not particulary liked, by the Chinese, if you know the basics of the language you just have to ask any standard street level chinese citizen, they will all have the same answer, which is basically "America! No!"  the USA is on par with the Japanese, the same however,  cannot be said for Australian, NewZealand, Ireland, Scotland, Wales etc, England, on the other hand only just scrapes in due to the Opium Wars back at the turn of last century ( I am not sure of the date) They (the Chinese) will trade and work with you but believe me it is only business. I could go on and on with valid supportable reasons why people hate the USA! but as I said I dont hate the USA -  just the attitude, that has been bred into what seems the majority of "seppo's" (USA). What do they teach you in your schools? apart from the usual, maths, english, science etc. You are not as great as you may think, if anything, you are all a bit ordinary!  But I must say in your defence, the only truly worthwhile thing to come out of the USA has been the Blues, Jazz and Muscle Cars, but then again the Blues had to go to England and come back to the States before it was acknowledged. I hope that  this has cleared it up a little for you.

    It is a shame really,  that you have had to be clued up as most people have got better things do do than have to listen to you lot whining all the time,  

  18. Who the h**l is all this "you"

  19. second the motion.i want to know too.

  20. It's only your president that we hate.  

  21. because It's foreign country.

  22. i dont have anything against the Usa

    they are our neighbours .

    Im from Canada .

  23. Many people outside the U.S. like the U.S., you just don't see a lot of it though because Anti-Americanism is a fad. They hate Americans based on Bush, so they call us nothing but McDonalds-loving, lard-eating fat asses.

    Meanwhile, Michael Phelps is the most decorated athlete in the history of the modern Olympics.

  24. I think people are brain washed to hate other countries and don't take the time to research the country themselves. They just rely on propaganda, the media, and politics to influence their thinking.

    I Love the USA!! But also have great respect for other countries.

  25. I love the United States of America!

  26. I love the US. If it wasn't the the US, my family and myself would probably be dead.

  27. 1. The CIA-orchestrated ouster of democratically elected Iranian Prime Minister in 1953 (Mohammad Mosaddeq) and installation of the US-friendly Shah who brutalized the Iranian people. See Operation AJAX

    2. Invasion of Panama by US Marines that killed 2000 Panamanians in a poorly planned effort to arrest Manual Noriega.

    3. The United States armed the Afghan Mujahideen during 1979-1989 to rebel against the Soviets (Operation Cyclone). These weapons found their way to Osama Bin Laden.

    4. Countless coup attempts in Latin America - one of the most famous being the 1973 Chilean coup de tat in which democratically elected Salvadore Allende was ousted by U.S. sponsored Augusto Pinochet who went on to create a military dictatorship and brutalize the Chilean people.

    5. School of the Americas which as trained many terrorists that have gone on to commit terrorist acts in South America.

    6. The current invasion in Iraq which has killed countless Iraqis and destabilized a nation run by Saddam Hussein who was originally backed by the United States in the early 80s.

    7. The Vietnam War, causing untold suffering in Vietnam.

    This list could go on and on.

  28. Well, I don't hate anyone but I'll give you a reason.

    People look to you for protection, but you don't give it to them out of the kindness of your hearts. You only protect people who will pay you for that protection. Where are you in Africa? We don't hear you doing anything there. You don't do anything in India either. You only help the people that will benefit you the most. And I'm not saying that's wrong, that's simply the nature of politics. But whats wrong is when people like you use the fact that your army is in others peoples countries as if you're doing THEM a favor. Its a mutual benefit. People hate you for Guantanamo bay and for the scandal in the Iraqi jail.

    Yes we watch your movies and play on your websites. America uses middle eatern oil and japanese inventions for these things. People focus mostly on hating America because america interferes in everything. They won't let anyone but themselves have any kind of major power if they can avoid it. Look at the thing in Iran.

    I don't hate America. I'm simply letting you know how people OUTSIDE america look at you.

    You should stop focusing on the bad and concentrate on the good. Even though alot of people hate you there are many others who wish to live in the US. Isn't the number of immigrants enough to flatter you? Each year a huge number of people come to live and work in the US. I think that speaks for itself.

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