
Why do you hate writing essays? ?

by Guest65333  |  earlier

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just write a 1 paragraph essay. the funniest essay will get 10 point and a thumbs up.

First, of all essays is a waste of time and wood ( paper is made of wood). My hands starts to hurt and cramping. I'll better play sports outside. I can keep repeating the sentence that i already wrote and i can't come up with a word.




  1. its just one pg stop being lazy man lol

    edit: lmao i bet u wont turn it in

  2. i agree with you. i hate it too

  3. Well,

    For starters, i dont hate writing essays.

    I love writing stories...(or essays in this case) for someone to read.

    YES, it is a waste of paper, time, thought, breath etc..

    And YES it is VERY BORING. But everyone has to do it.

    (Thats if you want to get ANYWHERE in life)

    But why do i care? My future ambition is to work at the cashier at KFC.


    Anywhoo, getting off subject..

    I <3 Essays. (and im sure deep down inside, You do too. = P)

    P.S - If i wrote this in highschool for an essay, I'd get an F straight out.

    Thanks for the good question!



  4. You've got it!  Write an essay of why people don't like to write essays.  Your question above is just as good of a paragraph as any.  Use that.  Writing requires indept thinking.  You need to know grammar and spelling.  Don't forget punctuations and sentence structure.  So writing isn't just putting words on paper, it is a whole profession in itself.  Oh...and writer's block...

  5. I love irony.

    There are so many grammar mistakes in your paragraph.

  6. Essays to be written in school require a specific word limit. Being highly innovative and descriptive, i cant bring myself to write within the specified limit, leading to the deduction of marks. even if i hand in a really wonderful essay, it's sure to get low  marks because i crossed the 'word limit'. So there's an ingenious plan and all those hours of thinking shattered into pieces. So I hate writing essays as long as I have to stick to a word limit

  7. i love essays its like im exspressing my self.

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