
Why do you have to be half naked to do gymnastics in the Olympics?

by Guest62263  |  earlier

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Why do you have to be half naked to do gymnastics in the Olympics?




  1. i used to be in gymnastics, and its just what we wear. We are not half naked, we wear more then if u were wearing a bathing suit. And its easier to not have so much extra clothing and stuff to carry around while your flipping through the air! Its easier to weah less while your trying to balance yourself on a 4 inch beam or flip around a bar.  

  2. if its like other sports they test a lot of different suits, and pick ones that allow for best mobility in the sport, and to call to the grace of the human form at its peak condition in that sport. I'm sure if required/requested by an athlete for a small uniform adjustment, it could be made but might take a lot of paperwork and IOC flak.  

  3. That's the norm sure they would have gone fully naked but i guess they are just avoiding the drama that would have come with it.

  4. So that your arms and legs can move freely.

  5. You don't *have* to; but the experience of gymnasts - and athletes in general - is that it is much easier to do their routine with an outfit which doesn't restrict movement.

    The opportunity to show off that figure they worked so hard to acquire is just a fringe benefit.

  6. I think it's stupid too...but...I think it's just so clothing doesn't get in their way. Just like swimmers wear THE tighest outfits, you're more mobile and can move better...

  7. It draws people's attention in so more will watch.

  8. Because being fully naked disqualifies you.

  9. Ratings.

    Gotta get those viewers tuned in.

  10. What a strange question. Womens beach vollyball- sure. Mens synch diving- okay. Male gymnasts- for the most part- wear more than you and I do during the summer. They're wearing pants!

    As a father of a male competitive gymnast I can tell you that there are new uniforms being considered that do away with the pants all together. They're more like what the swimmers wear and allow for more mobility (aka: tighter everywhere).

  11. If you where that in shape, why would you not want to show off your body?

  12. They are not half naked they are almost all naked. Men's gymnastics=ewwww.

  13. Is this a serious question?  I could understand it if you'd asked "Why do women have to be half naked to perform in Beach Volleyball in the Olympics?" but the gymnasts have more on than most people wear to the beach.  They wear sports bras to prevent as much jiggling as possible (those with actual b*****s, anyway), their belly buttons aren't exposed and it doesn't look like they had to be waxed to keep all their unrulies inside their costumes.  Put a tutu over their outfit and they'd have on as much as any prima ballerina!

    The volleyball players, however, seem like they'd be wearing thongs if the Olympics Committee would let them!!!

    And check out Phelps.  As soon as he exits the water he drops his suit so low you can see the dimples on his backside.  In one of the relays, his suit was pulled down so far and he was so excited about his team's standing that I was afraid if he starting jumping up and down, he'd actually pop out!!!  He's adorable and apparently he knows it, but REALLY, Mr Phelps, a bit of modesty is in order even if you are a guy and we have a double standard about nudity or practically nudity in the U.S.

    PS:  the original Olympics were performed in the nude ... but then neither Greeks nor Romans were all hung up like we are on the human form and our need to cover it.

  14. because they won't let you go totally naked.......

  15. more agile and quick

  16. If you have got it flaunt it i suppose! If i had a body like them i would wouldnt you!

  17. Trying to do those moves with restrictive fabric (jeans, t-shirts, dresses, robes, whatever) would get pretty tricky and dangerous, don't you think??

  18. For the same reason, you go half naked in your bikini

    at the beach. "No Restrictions" in keeping your "balance."

  19. the leotard allows for greater movement. imagine a pair of baggy pants.... i think it might be a hazard :(

  20. To show off your muscles. /

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