I am a married woman, with a 14 month old daughter and another on the way, but I was not married when I had s*x and became pregnant with either of my children. I did not get married until I was 5 weeks pregnant with this baby. I just saw a question about a 14 year old asking if it's okay to have s*x at her age, and I noticed the majority of responses said "Wait until you're married".
My question is, why? Why should you have to wait until you're married? If you know you have a stable home, stable finances, emotional stability, and all else required to raise a child, and if you know you're ready for it, should it happen, why should you have to wait? Both of our kids were surprises. Our daughter was conceived 3 months into our relationship and this baby at a time where the doc wanted me to start birth control to control endometriosis. But we had the home, job, emotional stability, etc to raise a child.I just want to know where it says you absolutely have to wait until marriage and why?