
Why do you have to exist in my country ?

by  |  earlier

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i dont waht anybody else to come to my country..i own the united states.




  1. will someone get this small minded person a beer.

  2. Hunny, you're special.

    Give me a Bud Select and we'll shoot the sh*t.

    Where'd my huntin rifle go?!?! Damnit..

    -Later Gator-

  3. You took my country from me ... now go somewhere else before I shoot an arrow in your ***

  4. Your country? people like belong in Europe with the rest of the euro-thrash.

  5. hey shut up you moron! you better go to the White House & inform Pres. Bush about your dumb Q rather than typing here.

  6. here take mine!

  7. I'd think you'd get pretty lonely, not to mention you'd be invaded by the commies in a second.

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