
Why do you have to open the sunblinds on airplanes for takeoff/landing?

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When you take off and land on an airplane the cabin crew always ask you slide the sun blind on the window up - does anyone know why this actually is?

Also, they said when I got on a flight the other day that because the plane was re-fueling we weren't to fasten our seat belts. Presumably this is so that if there was a fire we could all get off quicker? I've never heard it said before until I flew this year Thanks in advance




  1. I guess its for the same reason the cabin lights are dimmed on take-off and landing at night. To minimise the difference in light intensity between inside and outside of the aircraft. Otherwise, if the 'plane has to be evacuated, the passengers are unable to see clearly as they exit the aircraft.

    The answer about allowing cabin crew to see what is happening outside rings true as does the reason you suggested for not fastening seatbelts when the 'plane is being re-fuelled.

  2. Hey Jim, which FAR is that?  I've never heard of that one.  I've worked for several airlines and none of them ever did this.  I have also flown on some foreign airlines, and they seem to want this done.  I have heard many reasons for it, but I have not been able to determine which one is true.  I think the airline just wants it done for visibility at night by other aircraft, and visibility for the passengers if they need to evacuate.  Of course, this question gets asked several times a day, so you can always look at the hundreds of other answers and decide for yourself.  I still would like to know what FAR states this, as if there is one, I've been breaking the law for years now.

  3. It is a Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR).  Two reasons:

    1- Exactly as mentioned above, so the cabin crew can see out. In case of emergency, they can direct the passengers to the safest exit.

    2- At night and bad weather, it has been shown in crashes past, that with the shades down passengers get disoriented upon exiting.  Either freezing and not moving, or just running off.  Either way a danger to the first responders trying to determine who's still on the jet.

    My personal opinion is airlines should take 5 minutes and explain the "why's" of certain actions they do....;

  4. so other people can see

  5. they tell you to open the windows so that flight attendants can look  out and inspect the plane in case of an emergency.

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