
Why do you have to rent set top boxes?

by Guest66959  |  earlier

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We are about to have Verizon FiOS installed (Triple Pack) and I just found out that we have to rent set top boxes. I have never had digital cable or anything like it before and want to know why you have to pay for them. Whne we pordered the service, they never told us that we had to pay for set top boxes, so basically we ordered it under false pretences. we even looked at the flyer we got in mail and it said nothing about extra fees for equipment.




  1. Hi cg8jrfan ,

    Unfortunately that is what cable companies do. They dance around the cost by telling you what a sweet deal you are getting for six months. Then when the six months are up you get the real shaft.

    They rent everything - nothing except the cable line is included in the rates they quote.

    Until the local governments end the monopolies they created by only allowing one cable company in most areas prices will be high, quality will be iffy and there will be no customer service.


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