
Why do you have to suffer so much after u loved some one ?

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Why do you have to suffer so much after u loved some one ?




  1. You are trying to displace some emotions. You have been emotionally connected to that person and now they  are gone, you have no one to connect to in that manner.  Do not worry, it will get some better as time helps your mind sort things into different areas.

  2. Cause That's The Way The Human Mind Works When You Love Some One Or Lost Some One Sucks Don't It.  

  3. Hi Luci,

    I know its easy to say that ''time'' heals, but when our heart is broken it feels forever. I am not sure about your question. But I assume, that it is over for you. You have not mentioned about any break up, therefore, forgive me on writing on the 'lines' of a break up.

    Yes, time heals seriously ''looks like it''' does not work at all. At least not when time has passed, and while you are in that period of getting over, your heart aches, you avoid people, you cant help smelling things left over by him / her, smelling gifts which perhaps was wrapped by him, his messages etc. It is extremely, extremely difficult. But trust me, after two foolish breakovers, and a heart breaking period of getting over it, including some foolish turns even after my marriage, I realised that it really was not worth it. People break up for all reasons, incompatibility, infedility, etc., but the person who sticks with you when you are the ugliest is the person who loves you. And I guess thats why I love my husband now more than before.

    I am sorry, I do not know your details, but....yes its aweful, I went through a lot of depression, being alcohollic and stuff...all this I tell you is because I want to ''REALLY REALLY ASSURE''  you that you will get over it, and be strong and really strong. So strong that next time whoever you want to love tooo much, you can actually llook through him and say '''okay, this is not the person'''.....

    I still believe in that phrase, although I used to hate anyone who used to tell me that but ''TRUST ME'', ''TIME HEALS''...All you have to do is divert your attention, get involved, cos that is what i did. Take a break, go somewhere, and trust me u willl come back so fresh and new and you would have already met some really loving human beings by the time you are back...could you try that ?

    good luck, you will be okay (if whatever i said is not in line with your question, forgive me if i misunderstood your question.)

    take care  

  4. Because love bites. Love can be brutal. Love can be wonderful. It's amazing how love turns out to be a roller coaster ride every time it happens. One minute you're in high Heaven, thinking about how great you feel, how the world is beautiful. Then moments later you fall and now it's all about how life sucks and how terrible you feel, how the world is ugly and full or torment and torture. I think through it all and I'm speaking from experience.... Love is a wonderful thing that can break you down, but that's the beauty of it. and you have to think that being in love makes you feel things so completely amazing that even having those experiences for only a short while should be looked upon as being a bonus in life. Think of how many poor lost souls have never loved or been loved back. That is truly sad. I think it is better to have loved, to have been loved, to have felt something so special and wonderful, that maybe you have once lost or will lose, but it's those small simple moments that make life worthwhile. Love someone for a day, and spend a month trying to get over it. But oh!, think of that one day and it's perfection. That one day is worth a month of days of agony in my opinion. Life is all about experience, bad and good. Live it up!

  5. because you never really stopped loving that person.

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