
Why do you have to warm baby formula up?

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Why do you have to warm baby formula up?




  1. It makes it easier for the baby to digest it.....

  2. You don't have to warm it up if your baby will drink it cold. My daughter prefers her formula at room temperature or warm but will drink water cold.

    Also, warm liquids act almost as a sedative. They relax baby and make his or her tummy feel fuller, which is another reason why many parents heat it up.

  3. You don't. Room temperature is just fine (ice cold may upset a little baby, though that's fine too once they are older). But many people like to because they feel it makes it a bit more like breastmilk, which comes out at (obviously) body temperature.

  4. my 2 month old baby can't stand warm formula she likes hers room temperature, every baby is different

  5. You don't have to warm formula.  If it is room temperature water mixed with power then that is fine.  If it is a ready to feed can that is at room temperature that is fine as well.  The only time that the chill should be take out is if it come from the fridge.  We warm the formula because we think the baby likes it but if you teach you baby to take it a room temperature you will never be in a position of refusal if it is not warmed.  Has nothing to do with digestion as someone desired.  In newborn nurseries the formula is not warmed and newborns do fine.  If you have to warm it for piece of mind then do it under warm running tap water and never warm it in the microwave due to the potential of un eveness and burns.  Good luck.

  6. Alot of times the coldness of milk or water  can cause crampiness in many babies causing alot of pain and fussiness.

    Warming it up also helps it to ease digestion.

  7. You don't. My baby will take a cold bottle as well as a warm one.

  8. Because babies don't like cold milk, they like it warm the way it would have come from their mother.

  9. I wouldnt say that you "have to" but it is more comfortable for the baby and easier to digest. I think its ok if it is room temperature but not cold, because the baby's system isnt used to that, and can cause him/her to become very uncomfortable. It caused diarrhea in my baby...(my husband fed him) Plus warm milk soothes baby and helps them sleep well.

    Think about how u like your food. Most people dont like to be served cold food, so ur baby may not either.

  10. You don't necessarily have to. Formula mixes better with luke warm water and my babies seem to like it better that way.  

  11. They just give it to them room temperature at the hospital Now if you had it in the frig you might want to warm it.

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