
Why do you have uncorrected vision to be a fighter pilot?

by  |  earlier

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couldnt it just be correct?

contacts? or laser eye?

glasses i can under stand but the other i dont




  1. You need to see 20/20 uncorrected (no glases or contacts) to be a military pilot because you need to be the best you can be. Your life and others lifes depend on you.

  2. in case contacts come out.  as far as laser don't tell them.

    if at any time you put other people in danger because of sight you are a risk.  that's the belief.

  3. Well I wore glasses all the time, had to correct my vision to 20/20; it's more the depth perception than acuity actually.  Many fighter crews DO wear glasses, and more are getting laser corrective surgery-PRK is preferred.

    A problem with contacts is the care you need; if a guy doesn't do that properly and ends up in a visual fight-well I don't want my front-seater tearing up, and unable to focus; there's also the chance that G could pull them out of position.

    Originally the concern over LASIK was the flap could allow a change of pressure, which under rapid-decompression conditions, would pop one's eye out.  Disconcerting.

    The REAL reason, is (well, was):  it's a simple discriminator.  It's keeps applications down to a reasonable amount.  

    The good news is, for the USAF at least, they ARE accepting a limited number of PRK and LASIK applications. Of course it has to correct your vision to 20/20 or better, with good depth perception, no astigmatism, AND no issues with night vision (is a common side effect).

  4. Many do wear glasses, including me.  But in pilot training the answer was no because the USAF had enough pilot candidates, they hadn't spent any money on me yet and it was one more hoop to jump through.

    Should the need have been different, the requirement would have been different.  That's all you need to understand.  Look at WWII, first a 4 year degree, then some college, then pass a test.  Entry requirements are a way of keeping people out, not letting them in.

  5. You can't wear glasses when flying a plane. You can't wear contacts either, what if a contact pops out? Laser surgery doesn't always cut it and isn't as reliable as regular eyesight so it's easier to just rule that out.

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