
Why do you ladies care if this happens?

by Guest56195  |  earlier

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see alot of question saying where are alll the nice guys or why are all the nice guys turning into jerks,what do you women care isn't this what you want?I mean you say that nice guys are too weak and clingy and now you don't have to deal with it right?you say that you hate nice guys now you want to know why they are disappearing?why,I mean this is what you've been waiting for right?now you only have your badboys just the way you like it right?




  1. actually girls only want bad boys so they can look good with a bad boy as there boyfriend and for fun and stuff..!      and by saying good boys are weak and clingy.. who cares its there weeks.. its about if u love them not if there week!  

  2. Bad boys have that carefree, mysterious, attitude that alot of woman find fun and desirable, but if you ask me I'd take the guy that treats me well over the bad guy any day..not all girls are like that.

  3. You are making everyone the same and we are not. Im 44 and my guy of 4 years is 22 and treats me sooooo good. He isnt clingy either. He is better to me than any guy has ever been. So you are very incorrect. If he waas a jerk I would leave him.

  4. Wrong. Doormats are typically disliked...nice guys rock. One can be a nice guy and still have a mind of his own, a spine, and be fun and adventurous.

    Jerks aren't worth our time.

    Why is it so many guys who claim to be 'nice guys' spend so much time complaining about not getting what they want? Chicks aren't going to dig you just because you are a 'nice guy'...there's more to attraction than that.

  5. We do want NICE  guys.  We don't want NEEDY guys.  We also like some 'bad' in our nice guys but that usually means we want them to stand up for themselves, protect us, and not be afraid to be sensitive without being clingy and whiny.  We want what you want.  To be loved.

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