
Why do you libs have to say now that more people watched McCain's speech last night...?

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than watched Obama's concert/fireworks show last Thursday?




  1. I guess if they want to see a Hollywood production, they will go to Blockbuster. If they want to see an actual political leader, they will watch McCain.

  2. Oh yes, THAT is the measure by which I will cast my vote.  How many people tuned in to see a speech.

  3. Good for them - if that's what you're basing your vote on, that's just sad!

    I think people wanted to see if the plastic barbie doll and the caribou barbie were going to get into a cat fight......all the PMS on one stage.....scary!!

  4. I don't care how many watch or don't watch.   Truth is,  if elected,  would just be four more years of the same c**p we have had for the last eight.   Even with Eskimo Barbie,  would be no different than the 8 years of misery we have endured.    

  5. America is a giant trailer park. We love our stories. We don't actually care about politics.

  6. From what I saw yesterday on CNN, Obama had 1.2 million more viewers.

    Be that as it may, how many of these viewers stayed awake during McCain's speech?

    I only woke up when he started shouting at the end.

  7. I'd say what should be obvious to anyone. The fact that a person listens to a speech is not automatically meaning that they agree with it, or the person.  It means that they are trying to educate themselves.. and see if something worth while was said. Unfortunately, what I heard, gave me just as much nausea as Palin's attack did.

    Oh, and I am not a liberal or a Democrat.  

  8. I hope you're not equating viewers with voters. My husband and I watched and we're not voting for him. It might have been better for McCain NOT to have alot of viewers. He didn't do so well.

  9. McCain/Palin 08!

  10. Just wanted to hear what the man had to say.  Which was nothing! I fell asleep.

  11. That's what happens when you have a WINNING team!  Look at the viewers that Palin drew in with 4 fewer networks giving her coverage.  

  12. Since he has the same people working for him that worked with George Bush, his speech sounds like the same to me. Palin as his Vice President, I see them as Bush and Cheney.

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