
Why do you like Barack Sudam Obama?

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And try to stray away from the way he makes you feel.... and give some good solid answers to the issues that plague us Change what....exactly? Balance the




  1. First off if you would use the mans real name it would help you get a serious answer

  2. You may be able to find some answers to your questions at Barack Hussein Obama's website.

  3. I do not like him, I suppose he is OK as a human being but he should not be president. By the way I love your name for him. I really hope it was sarcism and not what you really think it is.

  4. WHAT?! He has a Muslim sounding name! KILL HIM!!!!!

    (That was sarcastic in case you were thinking of giving me 10 points for being as bigoted as you!) and it's Hussein not Sudam(sic).

  5. just to p**s haters like you off

    Sudam....come on be smart

    i hope you aint old enough to vote, because things like that show you are not smart enough to

  6. I guess I shouldn't answer because he's not my choice for pres. However it has nothing to do with race or religion. I just don't feel he is ready.

  7. cus he is a good man and loves justice and he wants to help poor people and he is handsome

  8. Think you got middle name wrong, but know is muslim name, saw in papers.  I dont get it either, says will change things, takes more than words and 1 person, not experience needs to work with sentate, house, as hillary does,  HELLO, wake up, think too much OPRAH influence, idiots think are volting for her ?????  wonder how much cash given to him thru different means, sure has tone of it, but sends to  AFRICA, what about this usa, if cares so much ???   No, he does not say how, what, when ets, just says will, i want specific answers, but think he has none, . fear if does run, will get Rep again old man mccain, 72, !!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. I have no feelings one way or another for him. But, his middle name is Hussein. Before you draw any weird conclusion from that, you should know that over 80% of Arab-Americans are Christians. Not Muslims. Not Hirabah (terrorists). I know two who are Chaldean Catholics and their last name is Hussein.

    Now to the issues of the day. I'm not looking for a Federal Wizard King who will wave his sceptor and make all of our problems go away. I'm looking for someone who can fulfill the duties of the office of President as set forth in Article Two of the U.S. Constitution. In that regard I admit to being in the minority because less than 20% of adult voters has ever read the document. I look to the Congress to enact measures to ensure the growth of commerce. That will ensure growth in individual wealth and help to correct many of the problems we face today. But, unlike over half of my fellow voters, I know who my Member of Congress is.

  10. His lack of experience in Washington. He has refreshing ideas on how the establishment should work for the people. Candidates with decades of government involvement are so used to and comfortable with how things have always been done, they will continue with the same old out of habit. The highest paying lobbyists will continue to manipulate the laws that we the people have to live with.

    The senate and congress should vote for what is in the best interest of the community they represent or the country as a whole. Instead, they vote for the pork they can add on to get big money contributions or special favors. Could this be changed by somebody who has been "playing the game" for decades?

    The thought of forced universal health care is scary. The drug companies would be making a lot more money once we are forced to take their latest "death pill" or go to jail for not complying with doctors orders.

    With Obamas plan we still have choices, as we should have the right to choose.

    The "FREE trade agreement" with China that has sent our manufacturing oversees, was finalized and signed by Bill Clinton just before leaving office. At the time he left, he was in debt from legal fees. He is now worth over $100,000,000.

    We need "FAIR trade so we can be competitive in the world market. Do you really think a Clinton will undue what a Clinton did?

    Our choices are few, the best we can do is try to get a president  that might actually try to make a difference for the better.

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