
Why do you like Obama?

by Guest21550  |  earlier

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I know quite a few people that like Obama and want to vote for him. When I ask them why, all I get is nonsensical answers: "he sounds good," "he looks good," "because he wants change," and my favorite I don't know."

So my question is to those of you who support Obama, why do you?




  1. i support obama because he wants to get this country back on the right track. he wants to focus military attention on our true enemies (which are not in Iraq btw). McCain says he has more experience in leadership than Obama, and he's right. mccain does have more leadership experience, so if elected, john mccain will have no problems in leading this country into 4 more years of trillions of dollars of debt, poor image in other countries eyes, shattered alliances, and less jobs. obama is against all that and that is one of the main reasons why i support him.

  2. Because he sees the major problems with politics as usual and wants to fix them. Secrecy in government, foreign policy that makes America look like a schoolyard bully, corporate interests mingling with political interests, freedom-choking Big Brother behavior. These have been issues in Washington for years to some degree, but under the Bush administration they finally came to a head. Those are the kind of areas where Obama wants dramatic change, and has ever since Bush took office.

    Frankly I don't particularly care about the soaring rhetoric, chanting, and hand holding for hope. All I care about is that Barack seems to see the real issues that have plagued our government for years and he wants to do something about them. It's very refreshing to see in a politician. Read his books, you might like some of what he had to say before the campaign trail.

  3. Because he just finished paying his student loans a year ago.

  4. I do not like obama and his mama. I cannot afford obama or his mama. He is an obamanation to the this great country. If he get's elected we are headed for obamageden. If you are wondering why I hate obama and his mama. It is this I am a conservative Republican all the way. I hate liberals. I do not think he is fit to be a president. He will raise all of our taxes. I cannot afford that.

  5. Trust me, they don't know why they like him.  Some say change but what is Obama changing?  Do you want capital gains to go higher and your income tax cuts be removed, meaning an instant tax increase for everyone, no matter how Obama words it!

    His influence from 20 years in Jeremiah Wright's church is another issue along with his criminal friends!
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