
Why do you like Pedicabs?

by Guest66903  |  earlier

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If you DO like them..?

I like them because they have no windows and people can see you clearly and you can see the people. And its like a ride. xD

And...they dont have them here in the US so its different. :D




  1. I've never had the pleasure of being in one, but they seem to be about the came size as tricycles. That would mean that I'd hit my head on every bump... but maybe the ceiling is softer....

  2. I more like multicabs

  3. i prefer walking,its better for your health

  4. Pedicabs are pollution-free We must ban motorized tricycle for cleaner Air.

  5. yes.pedicabs are one of my favorite vehicles here in the is nice to ride in.although i can only get to ride in it from time to visit my cousins,i still enjoy it.

    plus,it's a great way to travel around and enjoy the could peek around the places you are is also environment friendly.

    indeed,it is one of the best filipino vehicles.

    best wishes!


  6. I like them. I can go to a place peacefully and smoothly without all the brrrrr noise. Only the sound of manong's pant.

    add: Pedicaps are also handy in flooded areas during a rainy season.

  7. they give the silent service, (not those with stereos)

    they are environment friendly

    they give additional employment

    they would be willing to pass thru flooded streets

    they can take you (in silent moments) mesmerized looking in the sky night full of stars in the darken areas in the provinces and occasionally passing thru groves of trees full of fireflies

    but i remember feeling too ashamed to ride on one of those because it was like one is in a parade and everyone you passed in your community greeted you with all those hand waving and calling that you have to acknowledge.

  8. i only ride one when i have no choice.

    i pity the driver who does pedalling for me. i feel like i'm being treated as a princess which i'm not.

  9. It's enjoying and it is environment friendly.

    It does not contribute to pollution.

    It costs only P5.00 to P10.00 to ride one.

    So its better, even though it has no aircondition..

  10. good exercise

  11. Yes, more environment friendly. Saves you from diving into flood waters and can easily get through traffic.

    Quentin Tarantino had to ride one to get into Malacanang during a typhoon.

    But these pedicab drivers only make an average of P32 per day ( i think not even a dollar). The drivers hardly get to eat enough, just noodles or pandesal, so imagine pedalling all day on an empty stomach.

  12. i do like them, its a traditional way but after a few minutes i feel sorry for the biker after peddling upslopes. haha lalo na pag mataba yung sakay.

  13. If you really enjoyed riding pedicabs, well, you should try the ferry boats at the Pasig River next time!  It costed me less than a dollar for an hour's ride.  They're airconed and clean, plus there are not traffic jams.  

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