
Why do you like jeff hardy?

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i think at sometimes he is kinda OVERRATED




  1. hes cool in the ring..he does the most risky moves without a problem because he wants to make his fans happy..and in person...a huge sweetheart.. which makes me respect him even more...i don't know about overrated he just has alot of fans

  2. cause hes cool

  3. he is a tab bit..but i like him

  4. because i liked him for so long...never left him. never will. there's so many reasons why i like him. im always going to be a fan of his ...i just can't help it.  

  5. Sometimes when people say he is the best high flyer ever (I'm a hardy fan). I like Jeff Hardy b/c I think he is great wrestler and that he connects with the fans. I also think he is a great guy in real life (I've heard nothing bad about him). Also, I respect him for accepting the fact he took drugs

  6. He is entertaining. I love all his risks. You're not going to find a whole lot of guys willing to do a 30 foot swanton bomb or a 15 foot whisper in the wind or jump off of a ladder onto a guy laying on another ladder.

    You just don't find guys that dedicated anymore. He is one of the more entertaining guys in my opinion.

    And he is one of the few people willing to hone up to his mistakes PUBLICALLY.

  7. 3 letters

    T L C

    he is the founding father of that match and will remain in history as the sickest motha f*cka to ever wrestle in it. His matches were HISTORIC. The swanton bomb off the 17 foot ladder was just downright rediculous. I dont like his promos. I dont like his mic skill. But i respect him as much as anyone else in the company. He puts his life on the line, wrestles injured to entertain the fans, and never sold out. I cant remember him being a heel, but he may have been for like a week or something. He puts on some of the best matches i have ever seen. Thats why i like him. He is by no means "overrated". He's extremely respected, and deserves every ounce of it.

  8. cause he is cute

  9. He risk his life to entertain us

  10. Cause he's extremely entertaining. I don't think there is anything he wouldn't do to entertain his fans.

  11. He is sometimes overrated. So I do agree. I think the only reason people like him is because he is the biggest risk-taker in the business.


    I ♥ Mr. Kennedy

  12. i think he is a good wrestler he's a risk taker

    i think he should get more title shots

    he is VERY entertaining and a lot of people just love him

  13. That's simple... Just like his brother Matt he's a High Flyer.

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