
Why do you like running?

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I know some people who enjoy running in the mornings -- or running just in general.

Hah, and lately I've been seeing those running commercials.

It's been making me want to try to start running/jogging in the morning, before the day starts. I want to know, if you run, why do you like doing it?




  1. It's a wonderful stress reliever and it's a great feeling knowing you've done something healthy for your body.

  2. It feels good to be in shape and it helps take away the stress of life.

  3. I took up running for most of the common reasons: health, fitness, weight control, etc.  Running is easy and you can do it just about anywhere.

    I was diagnosed with cancer in 2007.  Running was what got me through 8 months worth of chemo.  When the rest of my world seemed crashing down around my ears, I could still go for a run and feel like a part of the world and feel normal.  There were days I could barely run at all, but I always felt better for having at least gone out to try and run.

    Running tends to be difficult for most people at first.  Most people don't really enjoy running the first couple months.  But if you keep at it, there is this point you pass where you find yourself suddenly start to look forward to your run.  When you get to that point, you're a runner.  My advice would be to stick with it even if you don't seem to like it at first, for most people who give running a fair chance find that they really do grow to like it and actually enjoy it.

    By the way, I am a morning runner.  I love and look forward to running before starting my day.  I like the feeling of freedom, of getting to watch the sunrise.  It's a very good way to start off the day.

  4. I like it because I feel good after my runs.  It keeps me in shape both physically and mentally.   I respect my body and I look after it.  I like how it makes me feel and look.

    I joined a running club and made new friends and enjoy socials amongst other runners.

  5. I've been out of shape for most of my life.  Any running I did was "forced" on me.

    Several months ago I got it into my head to get into shape and started power-walking 5 days a week.  The pounds came off and I started feeling better.  A co-worker invited me to do a 5K; I did, and I LOVED it.  I was hooked.

    I love the feeling I get after a good run.  I'm excited to run new courses, and to train for upcoming events.

    Currently, I'm working up to a 1/2 marathon in October, and if all goes well I'll do my first full marathon in 2009.

    Besides feeling better, I think it's helped with my overall outlook.

    If you're just running to get in shape (or stay in shape), that's great...but if you have a drive in you that pushes you for more...give it a chance.  I NEVER thought I'd WANT TO run, but I do.

    Running is an awesome sport because you can do it alone, if you're a loner, or join a club if you're a real social person. (of course, you can do both as well)

    Good luck, and (hopefully) welcome to the addiction!

  6. I have been trying to figure that out for a long, long  time. Maybe because I do cross country and I love the team. When I am done running, I feel healthy.  I like running by myself, in the woods at my own pace. I guess mostly, running is a personal, individual thing and if you're not a good runner, it's not like you're on a team so no one is being let down so you can go at your own speed.

  7. its good excercise and i also run track for my school i like competition. and it helps me clear my mind when i jog in the mornings

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