
Why do you like the yankees besides that fact that you live in new york if you do?

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Why do you like the yankees besides that fact that you live in new york if you do?




  1. Why do people like the Cowboys or Lakers? It's one of those mysteries of life. Actually, take a team from the Big Apple (which lots of people love as a city), give them a lot of wins (historically, if not this year), and sprinkle in a healthy dose of celebrity power (Berra, Dimaggio, A-Rod, etc.). Bingo, popularity.

  2. I'm not from New York, but when I was in Little League I played for Orioles, A's, Yankees, Phillies, then White Sox. As I played my favorite team was the team I played for, but when I played with the Yankees, it stuck with me, and I was a fan ever since.

    I guess the fact that they were a good team helped it.

  3. I like the yankees because theyre my favorite team. Even if they never made the playoffs I would still like them. Of course i want them to make the playoffs though. I dont live in New York either. I live in Mass.

  4. I became a Yankees fan in 1970 my first year in little league at the Silver Hill Boys Club in Hillcrest Heights Maryland & our team name was the Yankees despite my coach, my uncle's choice who was an Orioles fan but most of my teammates wanted to be called the Yankees & him & I still go to the O's & Yankees games together & we saw them play at old Memorial Stadium as well as Camden Yards & also went to a few Senator's games at RFK Stadium before they moved to Texas & became the Rangers but moved to Va later on but still close enough to make the trip to Baltimore & also see the Nationals play too

  5. I'm a Yankee and I started watching them as a young boy when I was born in NY. Alot of people say that their fans are just people who love to win or like them only because they have 26 world championships. But I feel like now, more than ever, you can pin point a true yankee fan. We're ten games out of the AL East and I don't think anyone expected this. But the real fans will be at the game through thick and thin.

  6. jeter and arod <333 hottest baseball players EVER>> and so is robinson cano! =] i also like them if they werent on the team .  

  7. Proud Brooklyn native and Yankees fan. But any team that has won a lot, been on TV a bunch or has a long history is bound to have fans outside of their home area. There are a lot of New York-area natives that settled in other areas and raised their children as Yankees fans despite the fact that the kids have never been to New York.

    Take a look at other teams with national appeal: The Celtics, Lakers, Bulls, Red Wings, Maple Leafs (for Canada), Cowboys, Steelers, 49ers. All those teams, along with the Yankees, have been winners historically and have been on TV a bunch. And the Yankees also have a lot of fans because they have memorable players from all over. (Mickey Mantle and Bobby Murcer from Oklahoma, Yogi Berra from St. Louis, Joe DiMaggio from San Francisco, etc.)  

  8. I'm no from New York so, its a long story , but since 2005 that summer i started watching the Yankees , and since then i loved them at first i did not no anything about them but since then i have learned so much from them

  9. My family has been yankee fans since Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig came into the picture

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