
Why do you live where you live?

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all those cities, country towns and dead bush lands...

why do you live where you live?




  1. parents wont let choose till I am 18..

    *shakes fist*

  2. I was born in the area and grew up here.

  3. I lived in Idaho for 12 years, Michigan for 3, and now Utah for 8 years now. I live where I live because my Grandparents. (Mom's side is why I lived in Michigan, dad's side is why I live in Utah) Now all my grandparents are dead tho, and I am stuck in a Mormon state. Which sucks. But whatever. The mountains are gorgeous!

  4. Because i love southern california, it's my home.

  5. i live in illinois because my parents do.

    everything in my town is high school football games, corn, our school mascot and sports.

  6. Washington state/Pacific Northwest...and wow, there are a LOT of reasons!

    We have a permaculture farm.  We live four miles from the ocean.  That means nearly constant breezes which keep the air sparkling clean.

    We have a mountain view in other other direction.  That mountain captures the clouds in the winter and brings rain to our farm.

    We have a "rain shadow" created by a large area of land, which actually allows us far more sunny, dry days than farms 15 miles to either side of us.  That means harvest is much easier for us.

    Two creeks and a large pond on our farm, allow wildlife to abound.

    We live in a migratory flyway for waterfowl.  There's nothing like watching thousands of snow geese, or hundreds of trumpetor swans fly over the farm.  Not to mention all the ducks.

    Salmon swim up our creeks to spawn.

    We can grow our own firewood, and heat our home ourself...this helps us to be independent of depleting oil supplies, and the electrical grid.

    We have fresh fish (blue gills, and big mouth bass) in our pond, whenever we feel like eating fresh fish that is NOT contaminated with chemicals.

    Space for our orchards, of fruit and nut trees.

    Rain that falls from the sky, to water our crops and pastures (VASTLY better than irregating!).

    To live in a neighborhood that was started over 100 years ago, means character, and beauty abound in our neighborhood with the mature plantings and beauty of the homes (no Mc Mansions here!).

    Access to medical care, and Vetrinarians should we or the animals need it.

    Access to the type of bulk shopping we do, since we only go to the store once or twice a year.

    Draft horses, the people around here who still run teams (an NO we are not near any Amish).

    The general friendly-help-your-neighbor-country/farm... mentality of the folks who live around here.  

    The library book sales!

    No personal income tax.

    There are a LOT of reasons.  Mostly it boils down to the fertility/richness of the land itself, and the beauty of nature and the wildlife around here.


    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

  7. Because my parents decided to live here

  8. We moved here 6 years ago, so that my wife could help take care of her mother,who had suffered from a stroke.

    It is a small town on the Southern Oregon coast, with great weather, and an ocean view.

  9. I live here because it's where my family and friends are. Not only that, but I'm realizing as I get older that the cost of living is cheap compared to anywhere else, and there are a ton of opportunities for me where I live.

  10. I am 50 year old white american male  

    i have multiple sclerosis

    i draw Veteran disability

    I am very grateful for my monthly check

    However it is not a lot of money    And doesn't stretches real far

    With the high prices of everything  lol

    I have a hard time  making ends meet  most months

    I now live  in Tijuana Mexico

    It is boarder town of San Diego

    I live  on the ocean beach apt

    The weather here is  outstanding  year around  

    Mostly never to cold  or hot  

    sunny Baja Calf

    I live on this side  because  in San diego  My apt would be around 750 dollars  if not more

    In mexico  its 150 plus  internet 30  gas  20  electric  20

    water  5  

    so i have more cash on hand   more of everything  

    and that's why i live where i live



  11. My parents divorced and I moved provinces to live with my sister. I eventauly met my husband here and we plan on having our kids here because its a great family place.

  12. I've lived in California for all of my life and I love it here, the weather and all.  

  13. cuz my dad got a job here :-(

  14. It's where I was born.  I guess I'm not adventurous enough to leave. :)

  15. It's all about money. I hate where I live now. I've been dreaming bout living somewhere else far away from where I live now. But it's not as easy as I though ...

  16. I came to the general area where I now live because I got a job here. For retirement, I sat down and plotted the parts of the U.S. that are not too hot, too cold, too snowy, or too expensive. That pretty well left south-central VA. Anybody know of a small farm I could buy there?

  17. I live in a small country town in South Australia

    everyone is friendly

    5 mins to get to the other side of town

    great shopping center

    friends live close by

    trust your kids to go out for a walk without being attacked

    small classroom sizes

    know everyone

    everyone knows everyone else's business

    kids who wag get caught easy and parents get told either by school or from gossip.

  18. I've lived in literally every climate the US has to offer. South Florida is my home, forever!

  19. My roots are here, Born and raised here.

  20. I live in the City because its close to everything and I don't like being in the woods.  City life is for me.

  21. what can i do? i'm not old enough to be in charge

  22. The southern california weather is beautiful.

  23. I live in Malibu.  I am in the film industry...

  24. I live in Arizona because I enjoy the warm, dry climate.  Although it's hot in the summer, it's mild the rest of the year, so I don't have to spend a lot on heating in the winter.

  25. I live here because I have no option, Im in southern cali.

  26. the bay area rocks my socks!!!


    and i'm only 14, so i can't exactly move away. heehee

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