
Why do you love astronomy?

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That is... if you do. I'm not really sure why I do... it's just... I find it amazing.




  1. i've always loved the stars....

    but i used to be alone about 99% of the time i used to stare at them and they got me through the night, because i knew there was bound to be someone else out there staring at the same star because they're lonely too...

    "because: you get to see many interesting things above :)

    It's amazing that the light from the stars that you see every night is hundreds or even more years old because it's so far away... Is this idea correct? Sorry, I'm not sure with what I just stated :D"

    technically speaking, even the light you see from the sun is a hundred thousand years old or more... the light does travel from the surface of the sun to us in about 8 minutes, but it takes 10's even 100's of thousands of years for the light to reach from the core to the surface.

    and yes... if a star is 100 light years away, that light had to travel 100 years from the surface alone to get to us.

  2. I suppose it's because I like to be amazed! Looking into the night sky is like looking into the face of God. We are part of Eternity. GOOSEBUMPS!

  3. That's an interesting question, and surprisingly I'm having a difficult time answering it. The thing I like most about it is the element of unknown. Out of all the subjects in science, I find astronomy to be the most mysterious. I want to know *how* the universe works, and *why* it works that way. Its an amazing thing. Its this vast area that was once smaller than an atom... now it holds stars larger than Earth's orbit! Some are even larger than the entire solar system... that's just crazy.

    I find astronomy to give me a retreat. It lets me realize how small we all really are. I stare at the stars almost every night and can't help wondering how everything in the universe works... what happens after something goes into a black hole? What happens if two stars collide? What caused the big bang? What is causing the universe to expand? All of these questions pop into my brain. If you ever feel like you know everything, just stare at the night sky.

    I find it amazing too.... so amazing that I've spent 5 years of my childhood studying astronomy. I started studying astronomy when I was 8. And since then I have not been able to stop from reading about the subject.

    Astronomy has caused me to take some big turns in my life. It is part of the reason why I became an atheist. "God" wasn't enough for me. I knew there had to be more.

    The first telescope I ever had was a small refractor. Gee, it probably didn't cost more than $50. My grandfather gave it to me 2 months before he passed away because of cancer. He was my hero. I still have that telescope to this day and every night I look at it. I saw the first planet I had ever observed myself through that telescope... I saw Jupiter. I didn't really see anything else, but I saw Jupiter. I know have a HUGE Dobsonian and I can see pretty much all the planets but every once in a while I take that old telescope out, and I bring it down, and I remember how it all started.

    Astronomy has changed my life, and it has started me on a path towards the study of science and mathematics, and that is one thing that I will never value more.

  4. Because you have to know what's out there in the Universe!

  5. because: you get to see many interesting things above :)

    It's amazing that the light from the stars that you see every night is hundreds or even more years old because it's so far away... Is this idea correct? Sorry, I'm not sure with what I just stated :D

  6. Despite being a professional astronomer,  I find this a difficult question to answer.  All I know is that I have had a sense of wonder at the night sky since I was a tiny girl.  My Dad was interested, though never in a professional way,  so maybe I inherited it from him.  That sense of wonder has never left me,  and sustained me through college, post-grad and so on.  Now,  I am immensely grateful to be able to follow my chosen profession,  and cannot imagine doing anything else.

  7. Dunno really. I've always loved astronomy.

    I don't remember ever not being fascinated, so I don't really know where the fascination came from.

    I decided when I was 5 years old I wanted to be an astronaut.

    At 6, I could talk down to my dad's college friends (he was a late bloomer) about astronomy (they were Poli. Sci. types).

    And it never went away.

    Now I get to study stars (and stardust mostly) for a living


  8. Because it is the mistery.. I believe.. We have scientific answers for many things what we see around us... but we dont know many things about the space, and the matters like planet, stars etc..

    Sometimes we hear some one saying there are other planets like earth where life exists.. some investigations happend to search the life in Mars too.. so, sometimes I wonder looking at the sky, will there be any life on those pieces of light..

    I wonder looking at the space how big it is.. so many things, each particle is moving.. but we never feel that movement.. When I thought Sun is the brightest object in the sky, my teacher said, there are lot many objects brighter than Sun.. when I used to believe moon is someone like a sweet uncle by hearing to those fairy tale, my Mom said it is just another planet, my teacher said, it is a satellite of earth.. I started to search for Taurus star bunch with wondering eyes, when I came to know my sun sign is Taurus.. I started to imagine how it would feel to be in empty space when I learnt there is no gravity.. I wonder, I still wonder.. how all these objects move so systematically, where this space ends, if it has no end, then what it has finally..

    It has been always my first matter of interest, my curiosity.. I love astronomy.. :)

  9. because i was an astronaut in my past life... but not in present life. i found it more Interesting....


  10. Even though I have devoted my studies to terra firma, I love astronomy because when you think about it and really get in to it, you realize just how insignificant Earth (and its wee little inhabitants) is compared to the probable infinity of the universe.

    Its the ultimate in humbling experiences.

  11. Astronomy is the ancient challenge we brought forward from the cave days when mankind first bowed to the moon goddess.  We have lengthened our eyesight considerably since then with telescopes and curiosity.  Superstitions and fears gave way to purpose and hope to encounter other worlds also capable of contact or at least working towards it.  We look for answers outside of ourselves and appear civilized enough to answer the questions of others.

  12. I love because it's big, colorful and surprising.

  13. I love it because astronomy tells how stars was created,what is the good and bad effects of stars,etc. and it also features some astrological features that anyone want to know i love this categories

  14. Because, In the words of the editor of New Scientist magazine: "Science is interesting, and if you don't agree you can fk off" ;)

  15. astronomy, is arguably the oldest science. since the ancient times, people looked up and wondered about the stars, planets, and other celestial phenomena. although the true scientific study of heavens has been to us only a few hundred years, in what time we have learned much about the objects in the sky and even the ultinate fate of our universe.

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