
Why do you love the United States of America?

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Why do you love the United States of America?




  1. Because they saved Australia from being taken over by the Japanese in World War II



  2. a lot of freedom comparing to other contries

  3. Because it is still a place where a person can have the freedom to do or think as an individual.

    For this reason opportunities to enjoy ones abilities are boundless.

    It is clear that we are designed ( ALL humans) to be able to enjoy the fruits of our labors.

    The fact remains that if we are to continue to grow in this area - all who believe in personal freedom must defend its purpose.

  4. Because it's on the other side of the Atlantic.

  5. Cuz I was born in the U.S.A.

  6. Because they make me feel safe.  They do an excellent job of getting all the terrorist action and World hate while I sit safely in Canada.  Better them then us especially if they want it so bad!

    Woohoo, stand back, smoke weed, and watch the Americans shoot up everything!

  7. i live in Australia, and i know 1 thing, america rocks especially new york

  8. Why don't you ask this in the politics section? Sports and politics don't mix.

  9. Let me start by saying...

    We the People.

    Freedoms I have like the right to vote, carry a firearm and freedom from persecution of my choice of religion, Should I go on?

    I can have as many kids as I want, I can chose to do anything I want to do here.  I don't have to feel ashamed to be a woman or feel like a second class citizen because I don't have a p***s. Did I mention the freedom of speech, I don't have to worry about what my government will do to me or my family when I say that they are doing something that I don't approve of. Or the fact that my government won't turn off my water to my only source of income and livelihood for my family so that they look good to the rest of the world? GO AMERICA!!!!

  10. I love the United States of America because it is where I live.  It is the best country in the world.  I love living here.  We have freedom here.  I love the diversity of people.  I have friends from so many different cultures.  There are so many great places to visit in the United States.  I wouldn't want to live anywhere else.  A lot of countries hate us but I think that they are jealous of our country.  I feel that we are the most advanced country in the world medically and financially.

  11. Because:

    - the United States is a powerhouse in all fields.

    - the American way of life is somewhat fun.

    - Americans have nice accents.

  12. because they're a cheese freindly country

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