
Why do you love the ocean?

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I love the ocean.

i love it because it is a huge theme park

full of extaordinary rides, beautiful natural settings, and packed with adventure.

do you love the ocean? Be specific about a great day on or in the ocean.




  1. It's peaceful. Something about it makes it very therapeutic.

  2. I love it because when I go on vacation it is like I have no problems. I am free and there to have fun and swim and tan and just forget about going back to work and cold weather back home.

  3. It was July 1991 when i  encountered a squall while fishing in the South China Sea and it is something i will never forget...In the pitch black dark of the night, i saw and heard thunderstorms and feel the rushing water about the size of a 3-storey building lashed out on our medium sized boat and all i could do is hold on to whatever i can and pray that the storm would suffice...It was the season for tuna fishing then and this freak storm lasted for about half an hour of agony and fear....And when the storm finally end, we were disoriented and gasping for our breath...So in the morning

    when we reach shore, the people were staring and wondering why we look battered and beaten that someone asked me if i would do it again....I said i would like to kiss the ground first before i answer you....

  4. I love the ocean because it arouses all the senses in me.  It takes me away from the daily chores and chaos in life.  

    The sound of the waves, seagulls chirping, and the vast view to anywhere you want to go, fills my body with peace and serenity!

    When I'm there mostly everyone I meet seems to be so relaxed and there for the same reasons I am.

    I love going to the beach with my dogs.  We pretty much hit the road at around 5am and get there in time to setup camp.  I make sure I've got the large cooler with plenty of ice for water, drinks, and muchies that need cooling.  I especially, like to chow down on fresh oysters, crab, and shrimp with lots of lemon, by the dozens!  The seafood is so much fresher there.

    I love to throw down my big towels and bask in the sun for hours, while my dogs are sitting near by, with an umbrella on patrol!!

    Sometimes, I like to lay there and soak in the sun, while I'm listening to the waves......and thinking of nothing.  Other times, I like to crank the music up and play frisbee with the dogs.  Those sillies are still trying to learn!!!

    Then there are times when I feel so free, as to sunbake topless, ofcourse if the police patrol isn't around.  You have to admit, there aren't too many places in the world, you can feel free to do these sort of things....but then again tan lines are s**y.  Basically, you could say I lose myself to the ocean.

    Sundown is one of the most beautiful times of the day.    

    Some soothing music, a blanket, and a beautiful view of the harbor lights, and at other times some nice company is all I need!

    Okay, so now I want to go to the beach!!  I can't believe you did this to me!!



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