
Why do you men think that sometimes women can actually be bullies under the quiet?

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I would really like to know?

not all of us are like the passive aggressive women who hide in corners and troll!

Not all of us want to use and abuse men?

what are your thoughts?




  1. Women are inherently weak of body and soul.

  2. Hello ! When a big huge humongous hairy women says things like "I believe in equality and YOU BETTER agree that I m for equality", the only thought that can ever pass through my mind is that "sometimes women can actually be bullies under the quiet". Sorry.

  3. Ummm...anyone can be a bully, quiet or otherwise.  It's hardly a gender thing.

  4. Stereotyping is a trait that even I fall victim to every now and then. It is obvious that everybody isn't the same.

  5. It's all human nature. Men do it too. The way I see it roles in a relationship will never be equal. There is always a controller and a submissive. Sometimes the roles will change but two people will rarely ever see eye to eye on most things. Don't read to much into it. Best thing you can do is find someone willing to compromise.

  6. "Women are inherently weak of body and soul."

    But it's just the WOMEN around here who are passive aggressive bullies. Right.

  7. the truth is ( my truth anyway) is that all people can be bullies, on the quiet as they say.  ever see the film Animal Farm ???

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