
Why do you need a driver's license to buy liquor when you can't drink and drive?

by  |  earlier

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  1. you don't technically need your license, you could in theory use your green card or passport if you really wanted to.

    But few carry those around with them on a regular basis, so drivers licences are used because almost everyone has one

  2. to prove you are of age...duh

    unless you frequent the place you purchase your liqour its not necessary....

  3. its called identification, to prove  your of age.

    your drivers license has your birthday on it.

  4. Your name says it all.   I'll play anyway...

    They need proof of your age.  You can get a legal ID if you don't have or want a driver's license.

    And people drive to stores to buy liquor.  You can't legally drink it on the way home, but you can buy it as long as you're of legal age.

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