
Why do you need a license to preform a play?

by  |  earlier

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why must you get a license to preform a play such as the phantom of the opera... do you need one for romeo and Juliet... or is it ok cause Shakespeare dead?




  1. Because they did the work of creating the play and this is how they get paid.  If you want to do the play but not the musical, you may not have to pay. It may be public domain by now.

    As for Romeo and Juliet; If you are doing the original, it is most likely public domain, but it is always wise to check.

    If you do not know what public domain is, it means that it is now owned by the public, which includes you.

    The copyright laws are confusing at best, but you can usually look for a copyright printed on the music. Copyright run out of date at various times.

    Hope this helped.

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