
Why do you need more black people in a sport?

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what is the need to have more black people in a sport if there is a low #. they shouldn't be in the sport if they are not good enough to be in it. it shouldn't have anything to do with race




  1. I understand what you're saying. Here's my opinion though: if a person works their as* off and actually DESERVES to be doing something or getting something? Then they should have the right to do it. If you put no effort into it, if you just sit back and expect people to notice you and yet you aren't even of that high of a caliber of an athlete, then no, you don't deserve to be on the feild. If an athlete truely wants to be a PROFESSIONAL athlete, then they'll work hard and earn it. That goes for whites, blacks, yellow, purple, pink and green people. Earn it and work for it and life will reward you back.

    -Later Gator-

  2. It DOESN'T have anything to do with race. Just Black people are usually better at sports, but people of ALL races can be good at sports. You know that. In the NBA, there's a good of number of different races playing ball.

  3. You are racist for not wanting to have more color added to every sport. I should report you for being anti color wanting or some other anti african type ummm...not havin' enough black wanting prejudice thing...or umm...whites are bad...or...uh...

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