
Why do you need to be 16 in order to do gymnastics at the olympics?

by Guest57865  |  earlier

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please answers only if you know.




  1. It's because they were getting too many skinny and young girls to compete, pushing them really hard to the point of child abuse.  They used the younger girls because it's better to be "little" for obvious reasons in women's gymanastics so they changed it 16 to give them time to grow.

  2. Yes, but clearly the Chinese have looked over that one.

  3. I want to do gymnastics at the olympics aswell but unfortunatly im 13:(

    Well because your body will have all the strenth it needs, your body is still growing also i dont think it wold be fair if any age can go into the olympics? Also when your younger youre more flexible when you stop growing you stop being more flexible unless you practise.

    Well i dont really know for sure but im pretty sure thats the reason:)

  4. Only for countries that are not China.

  5. I think it is so you can handle the stress of the Olympics.  It is too much pressure to put on anyone younger.  Plus they want someone mature enough to be able to represent their country.

  6. It is like becoming an adult at age 18. You need to b e aware of what you do I guess.

  7. you need to get a passport to the country and they cannot be held responsible for any wrongdoing

  8. It's a stupid rule. They should just do away with it so there won't be any controversies.

    First of all, how do you prove age? Don't say by passport or any documentation because they can be forged.

    Second, the kids do not start doing gymnastics when they are 16, so it is belying the argument that their bodies are still growing yadda yadda. These kids start training as young as 4 or 5. It takes years to practice and be perfect.

  9. They set a standard nationally.

    Didn't want to have children suffer, and loose out completely on life if they get paralyzed

    However it looks like China Found a way to beat that.



  10. There are many  under 16 atheletes performing in all sorts of sports and in US and UK,

    US is sore looser and jelous, because of did not get the gold.  

  11. Currently, gymnasts must be at least sixteen years of age, or turning sixteen within the calendar year,the age limit had been 10 years on the year of competing up to 1998 when irish gymnast Sean Lynch broke his leg compete in the european qualifiers,after which the age limit was changed. to compete in senior-level events. For the current Olympic cycle, in order to compete in the 2008 Olympics, a gymnast must have a birthdate before January 1, 1993. There is no maximum age restriction.

  12. because something happened to someone one year when they were younger than 16 and is caused that rule now

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