
Why do you need to use chalk when you play pool?

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why do you chalk the end of a pool stick




  1. It allows your cue tip to grip the cue ball so you can apply spin to the cue ball. Without chalk, you're limited to hitting the cue ball in the center. When you start trying to apply spin and moving the cue tip towards the edge of the ball, the chalk prevents the cue tip from just sliding off the ball (miscue).

  2. It prevents the cue from slipping off the ball and improves your accuracy.

  3. for cueball spin

    mainly backspin. see the difference in backspin with a chalked up tip and a unchalked tip

  4. You need the chalk so you don't miscue. The chalk creates friction between the tip and the cue ball so ( hopefully ) the tip doesn't slide off the cue ball when you shoot.

  5. for extra grip on the tip, so spin can be applied

  6. so you don't miscue. the sound is horrible and you know you did it.

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