
Why do you never hear about "ego" when it comes to women? Why is it always the "male" ego?

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Why do you never hear about "ego" when it comes to women? Why is it always the "male" ego?




  1. I beg to differ out of my own personal experience.  

    It really depends upon the individual female whether or not she's referred to in that way.

  2. I feel for some reason a woman doesn't spend trying to prove something to other people..A man has to know that they are good at just about anything... They need that confirmation

  3. in case of females it is called envy

  4. I totally agree. I had a neighbour who used to like complaining about "the male ego"; she had the largest and most incredibly fragile ego of anyone I have ever met.

  5. It's probably because everyone substitutues the word for female ego with the word b*****.

    I see female egomaniacs every weekend when I go out to the night club.

  6. Open any fashion magazine. Fem,ale ego is largely based on looks.

  7. "Male ego" is a phrase popularised by cult feminists as part of their man-hate agenda.

  8. I think that if any individual of any gender is going to be an isolated individual who lives life almost alone, it is going to be a male, and I think 'ego' only really applies to a single person, so, men are more likely to be single and living alone so men are more likely to be viewed as having an 'ego'.

    I think women are far more likely to be with people throughout the day; partner, parents, friends, children, work mates etc. In my experience, males have no problem sitting in an empty house for 4 or 5 hours just filling in time on their own where females would probablly get on the phone or go to a friends/relatives home.

  9. Actually, at least one study has been done showing that men consistently overestimate their own intelligence - even across cultures - while women downplay theirs.

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