
Why do you not believe in GOD?

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when did you have that "uh ha, there this no god" moment




  1. When i realized the way the world really works. I realized why it was created and was disgusted. I also will never believe there is a god that can allow the world to be the way it is today and still be considered merciful. Its all bullshit to me.

  2. Its a far out claim that lacks any credible evidence to me. Why don't you believe in Odin, Zeus, Thor, Apollo, etc... I simply apply this across the board. There are some god concepts that seem a bit less improbable to me, a Spinozian god concept for example, but I still as of yet have seen no compelling evidence to hold a positive belief in such. I don't think there was an uh ha moment. I was told to believe as a child and did. Later as I thought about in a similar way to realizing Santa wasn't real it seemed less an less plausible. I went on for awhile still pretending to myself to believe it so its hard to pinpoint an exact moment when I stopped internally believing. I became honest with myself about it when I was around 21.

  3. I believe in God because there are researches that connects some stories in the bible.

  4. I believe in God and realized it a few years ago.

  5. Strange question. I had no "uh ha, there is some god" moment in my life, in the first place. And after 46 years I sincerely doubt I will ever have one.

    You know, the whole god thing is just talk, talk, talk. When you look and learn about the world, there is not a scrap of any sort of god to be found. Gods are only in the heads of people. Like dreams, wishes, fantasies ... and fears.

  6. Three years of continous searching and questioning...

    Debating, reading, studying, doing research..

    I had a very, VERY gradual de-conversion process.

    And it was a strictly internal one, I did not choose it in any way.

    Started out as a christian, went through phases of increasing doubt, deism, agnostic deism, agnosticism.. Then at some point my agnosticism started leaning more and more towards atheism. I think I was, shall I say a "borderline atheist" for quite some time without realizing it.

    Finally pushed myself off the fence this summer.. I did a whole lot of thinking, eventually realized I was pretty convinced that I did not believe in the existence of a deity, and the fact that that made me an atheist per definition..

    So I purchased The God Delusion, found myself agreeing with mostly everything, and then I just knew it 100 %. Today I am a strong atheist with slightly anti-theistic tendencies. And I have taken the time to study the subject a bit more thoroughly as well. The more I read, the more convinced I become of my atheism. So far, I have yet to encounter any theistic counter-arguments capable of changing my mind.

  7. It's a silly idea.

  8. When I was born. I never believed and never will

  9. Well for one, I don't believe we can live forever, in the flesh. Our cells decay, die, etc. Our DNA of today is not strictly the same as it is tomorrow.

    Secondly, if you accept the word of the Bible as the 'word of God', then you have to assume that the storey of 'The Ark' is literal, yet it was never possible.

  10. around the same time i questioned santa

    (i'm not joking)

  11. When I was old enough to realise that things like Santa are just figments of our imagination.

  12. I believe in him. I think he's an ***. So are most of the Greek Gods and such. But at least they don't pretend to be anything different.

  13. Do you think then that the devil does not exist too?

    I know for a fact that he does as I have seen an evil spirit, therefore I know that God exists.

  14. 'God' is just a superficial idea created by man. when i was 14  

  15. Most reject God at adolescence.  As a younger age, they like the idea of a God who is watching and protecting.  At the teen years they begin to dislike the idea of a God who is  watching and judging.  So they get rid of anyone in authority over them by simply rejecting God.  It has nothing  to do with evidence.  What 13 year old can really argue about evidence for or against the existence of God?  Pretty rare.

  16. IF there was a loving god.. you would think he would want us to know about it rather that being ambiguous and mysterious... makes sense doesnt it.

  17. When I learned that not only is he into rape, murder, and slavery, he doesn't know anything about science either.

  18. Do I believe "God" exists...not sure

    Do I believe in "God" (as in have faith and trust in the entity)...NO, it has never shown me any tangible proof of its existence in my life.

    Long ago.

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