
Why do you not believe in a higher power?

by Guest34342  |  earlier

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Why do you not believe in a higher power?




  1. Lots of reasons, but my main idea is: if an ALL-POWERFUL god exists he can tell me he exists himself, right?

  2. Give me a couple of compelling reasons to believe, and I'll investigate.

  3. Seems like you'd get tired of hearing it, but...


    Why do you not believe in purple skunk snakes that live 2 feet below the surface that will eat your foot if you step into a big enough hole?

  4. As soon as it can be proven using a non-religious source, I will reconsider my position.  In the meantime, no proof, no belief.

  5. Because believing something without knowing or feeling it is known as blind believing and has no spiritual value.

  6. No proof.

  7. I don't believe that there's something who sees my every move or cares about my every move.  

  8. i do

  9. I haven't been shown a way to believe in a higher power that did not emphatically require me to check my brain at the door, it's a non-negotiable requirement.

  10. Why should I?

    I see no reason to believe in something that I think is just as silly as Santa Claus.  

  11. No.  Chaos and Order owe everything.  It beats God infinitely.

  12. Which higher power would you like me to believe in?  And please state the reasoning behind your choice.  


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