
Why do you or do you not like Camilla?

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I notice Americans seem to find her more likeable. What are your opinions good and bad. But let's not get out of hand and please don't be mean spirited.




  1. Cant see anything wrong with her You must remember that He needed someone younger to marry for to produce Heirs of course!

  2. I agree with B.E.C Prince Charles should never have married Princess Diana he should have married Camilla when he had the chance.

    The reason why I find it hard to like Camilla is #1 I don't really know who she is and #2 she doesn't come across as a very friendly person. Maybe its because she is shy plus she will always be comapared to Princess Diana. And I will perfectly honest with you as a UK citizen I love the Royal Family but I don't want Camilla or Prince Charles as my Queen consort or King I think the baton should be passed onto the younger generation like Prince William and who ever he marries.

  3. She and Charles had a long standing affair and continued to do that after Diana and Charles married. It's hard to respect her and Charles.  I'm Canadian

  4. i think camilla paglia is a genius

  5. She's a s**t. She was bonking Charles during her own marriage, and during his marriage - and that's not very regal behavior.

  6. I have mixed feelings about her.She has been a steady and caring companion to the Prince of Wales for many years,but she also was a major cause in the failure of the marriage between Charles and Diana.Charles should have never married Diana if in his heart of hearts he knew that he was never going to give up Camilla;the least her could have done was to explain the situation to Diana before asking her to marry him and give her fair warning of what was to come.

    So,I like Camilla,but am very aware of the history behind the picture;I know that she isn't a perfect angel,but,then,no one is!

  7. I think everybody has been too hard on Camilla.  I really loved Diana, but she divorced Charles and that took him out of her life. Unfortunately Diana died in a terrible automobile accident.  We all mourn her death.

    I think everybody should be with the person they love. If Charles and Camilla love each other, that is good enough for me.  I am willing to give Charles the benefit of the doubt and accept him and his wife as they are.

  8. I liked Diana. Camilla looks like a horses patoot.

  9. I'm American and I have no use for her, if she was a decent woman she would have backed off when Charles married Diana.

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