
Why do you pay so much for iPods, then they give you rubbish headphones?

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I bought my first iPod yesterday (yey) and the headphones are the kind that hurt you ears after a while, not the mushroom topped. It dosen't really bother me because my sister who never uses her MP3 had some white mushroom headphones for me but I still wish to know why the iPod ones are as good.




  1. To cut costs.  Anyway, most people will buy better headphones because really no pair included with a portable will show its full potential.  If really want great sound, get the ER-6i's, the Sennheiser PX-100, or the Koss Porta-Pro's.  You can find them for around $50 on, and they are THE BEST headphones at this price looking from an audiophile's standpoint.  The first headphone, ER-6i's, is a in-ear monitor, meaning it goes in your-ear and mutes out ambient sound.  It is more accurate than the last two headphones.  However, if you are a basshead, the Koss or Senn will suit you better, though they have an open design (some external sound leaks in).

  2. Ok, business-wise. The general public don't care about the type of headphones they get. You haven't heard people gathering outside Steve Job's house because of how crappy the headphones are, have you?

    So, why should the company spend 30 extra dollars for better headphones, when most people aren't going to care? They make more money this way.

    You aren't alone, but you are in the minority.

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