
Why do you people HATE Leos?That's the word I see every time when something about Leos is asked.

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I see here comments from people that got to know only 1 freaking Leo in their whole life saying that they hate them. 'They are snobbish and arrogant and they are the worst sign of the zodiac and this and that' Why do you hate Leos?Are you jealous?Someone just explain because I am sick of it.

If you play this way,every time I will see a question about any sign,no matter what,I will answer you the exact same way,then we will see how it feels.




  1. bm
    Let me state these facts about Leos. They are the most dangerous sign out there in the zodiac of astrology signs and do not get involved with one (Especially the opposite s*x) unless you are prepared to possibly (Go through a Living h**l of Personal and Financial attacks) if the friendship or otherwise goes south. These people's minds are twisted, vindictive and grudge holding and they have (Delusions of Grandeur) about themselves. They have this self-righteous attitude of: "If I don't worship myself, who then will worship me". They think they are born leaders. Others think you are pushy. Most Leos are bullies and do not make good parents becuse their children turn out to be self-centered adults just like them. You are vain
    and cannot tolerate honest criticism. Your arrogance is disgusting. Leo people are thieving and kiss mirrors a lot. They are (Two-Faced) where one day they Love you and are backing you up in a fight and the next, they are like a rabit dog on the other side coming at you. Because  They are so confused and torn up on the inside they can't just move on when a friendship ends (Romantic or otherwise).They have to be the total victor in the end while you lay there crushed and defeated under their feet. They are control freaks, (Not to mention some of the best Liars and Con Artist out there ) what you say to them in confidence about problems in your life just remember that it will be store in a memory bank that is bigger and works better than all the other signs combined. So if you tell them things about your life that are personal issues they can remember things that were told to them in detail years later and used against you in a public venue or otherwise.Just remember You have been warned.

  2.  well they are attention whores the spot light always has to be on them or they get jealous, they want there friends to do good just not better than them they are pompous and like to abuse there power if any. they think you are smart if you think just like them and dumb if you dont ,they will pretend like they know stuff even if they dont just to sound smart when confronted they get aggressive and try to change the subject i can easily see them sabotaging someone to get ahead in life ,so like minded indivisuals should get along perfectly, but to rest of us who have our own mind watch your backs around them.

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Latest activity: 10 years, 11 month(s) ago.
This question has 2 answers.


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