
Why do you people care that McCain has 7 homes? ?

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Look at it this way, he is paying 6 or 7 times the amount of property taxes you do. I am glad that he has been successful.

At one point, I owned 4 homes. I now own only two. Do you have issues with this as well?




  1. thats not the point...

    the old man forgot how many he owns...

  2. Frankly i could care less how many homes he has,however I am concerned about his lack of knowledge or concern about the current state of our housing economy.

  3. McCain lives a very wealthy lifestyle, gratis his wife. He says there is nothing really wrong with the economy, that "rich" starts at $5 million/year. He knows that his wealth + his policies or lack thereof, show that he is out of touch with the lives and needs of ordinary citizens. He is so addicted to talking points that when he doesn't have one, he won't answer the question, but instead refers it to his advisers. That's what happened with the house # question.

  4. because they don't have anything else to attack him on....

  5. It shows he may be out of touch with the average American, who struggles to own 1 home.  You are probably out of touch with these people and their problems as well.

  6. my wife recently retired from the real estate business and a lot of working middle income people own ( buy and sell) a lot more homes (houses) than seven and as they buy and sell ,on a given day not know how many they own..  they buy a house for x en   amount of dollars, they rent it , the rent pays payment and most of taxes on occasion to use their own money for repairs,insurance etc.. after 10 to 15  or more years the house value has maybe doubled, they then sell and this is the money that puts their kid through college..some plan it so after 10 years or so they are selling a house every 4 to 5 years...try  and quit whining  

  7. Some people invest in real estate. Some in the stock market, some in their own business. McCain obviously has some real estate investments. I bet there are some out there who take pleasure in the fact that McCain is loosing in his real estate investments.

    There are those who never owned anything and always want to punish success. They always vote for higher taxes to punish productivity.

    They don't care if it hurts the job market, they don't work anyway, they are on the dole.

  8. Its not that he has 7.   Its that Alzheimers is setting in and he can't remember where they are or how many he has.    Just like Ron Reagan.  

  9. Because they need to divert attention away from Obama's empty resume.

  10. I don't really care if he owns 15 homes. What bothers me is that he is not in touch with the average American or their problems. Period.

  11. Simply because they have nothing else to bash him about unlike the Saviour, Obama.

    With Obama, we have questionable past associations, a voting record that is solidly one-sided, at this point even his birth certificate and place of birth is being questioned, and as each day passes, more things are coming out.  

    So let them grumble and complain about McCain's property while we concern ourselves with what truly matters and that is the fact that their candidate shouldn't even be on the ticket to run for the greatest office in this country and for MANY reasons, not just BS.

  12. I've answered this question enough times but here it goes...again.  Its not that he owns 7 or even 70 houses, its the fact that HE DID NOT KNOW HOW MANY HE OWNED.  Get that through your skulls people...

  13. Republicans don't care.  Democrats rant about it because they can't control people who can take care of themselves and have financial success.  They would not want their slaves to get wind of these types.

  14. he pretends to care bout poor people many of who are lossing their one and ony  home cause of failed policies he supports so yes its an issue. Ur not in vying to decide where my money goes or whether or ot  i get healthcare and u have no power to rein in oil companies ( which bush wont use nor will McSame ) so i dont care how much u have except i am sorry that ur status/greed may lead u to cast a vote they will hurt me and my friends and family

  15. You know you owned four homes at one point and now two. I think the fact that Dems are trying to push that McCain doesn't know what he owns. How can he help working class people when he's out of touch with them?

  16. I don't care how many, I care he can't Remember...That scares me. What else?? I mean, they are only houses....What else might he forget? What the button is for??

  17. Actually, it is he and his wife who own 7 homes.

    And since some of them are investment properties, and it's his wife who handles the financials on them, he wouldn't exactly know.

    It was a silly question and it is silly for the leftists to keep harping about it. I don't recall them having a problem with rich boy Kerry and his wife's mansions.

  18. The Dems continue to beat this dead horse. Personally, I knew how many states there were in Kindergarten and if asked I would not have said 57 like Obama did.

  19. Nobody cares about his homes. His unsurpassed arrogance and ignorance is a problem

  20. nah, its no big deal if you ask me, the only reason its made into a big deal is because most of the left wing politician pretend (despite their millions) to be poor people that relate to us, well hate to break to to ya folks, but they are just as bad as right wing politicians when it comes to being rich, for instance.....gore

  21. Nobody cares that 2 of your houses were foreclosed on.  I wish I also were so rich I didn't know how many houses I have like John McCain.

  22. Personally, I don't care. But even McCain knows it was a stupid thing to say. And the Democrats just gobbled it up, thank you.

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