
Why do you play chess?

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What made you love chess? I love it because it's like a battle for victory. Every play will have an advantage and disadvantage! That's why I love it




  1. It's an easy game for anyone to learn and play.  I've taught over 30 kids in the last 3 months how to play at the library where I work.  They are constantly coming in to play.

  2. i never understood it


  3. Because you gotta think when you play it. It's not just a stupid game of chance like chutes and ladders or card games. there is alot of strategy to it. And i love the though of medevil battle too. I collect swords and stuff.

  4. it is the using of your brain to think your way to victory

  5. It stimulates the brain

  6. thats fantastic.

  7. The soldiers march to their

    known death-lock position.

    Commanders shout to their uprise formation.

    Dead as willows they stand their ground.

    Not a single one unprepared.

    Dust comes sweeping down the field

    Shaky earth descend their pride.

    Windy storms announce their rivals,

    while thunder gather to the play.

    Hauling horses convict all fear

    Trampled shoes separates water from earth.

    The time has come for these mighty warriors

    to arrest all sin and capture the dead

    War-orders crosses the limelight sky

    (unheard to those who kill).

    The sound of disorder spears the ears.

    The scrum is ready and about to engage.

    An arrow wounds a fleeing horse.

    It stumbles left to the centre field.

    Angry opposing forces takes action.

    It’s the horse’s eyes that has turned paled.

    A crying mother rushes for aid.

    The second wounded stumble to the back rank.

    No room and time are left for mercy.

    This is destiny’s play!

    Law and order have no say!

    Only ammo and death will rule,

    while sacrifices cost lives dearly.

    So who can deny your King’s will?

    Dubious build castles were

    constructed on honourable reefs.

    It’s their passage down the track

    that’s being doubted with insecure trust

    It’s assassination that lurks from the corners

    The shortcut through the bushes

    would ease the approach for

    a better view onto King’s neck.

    The corners are empty ….

    all four corners of earth are blank.

    Only dubious trails of mud

    leads the sequent army to more deaths.

    Suddenly a horse stood on hind legs.

    The rebellious nature has left

    a peasant choking on blood,

    for he was in the way of the sword.

    Moonlight revealed that the Knight is cornered.

    Another peasant dies with a fatal blow

    before the Knight finally get stoned and

    with nowhere to go he rest in pride.

    Further progress through the woods

    has brought King’s orders almost to victory.

    With half the army remained

    the opposing soldiers has turned their King in.

    Disbelief is reason to this grave-digger’s fractured crown.

    Death’s warmness has surrounded King’s neck.

    As he dropped to the ground his ring fell in the mud

    The unmarried King has died in disgrace.

    The stormy night washes away the evidence.

    The deep tracks are covered with new mud

    and undergrowth in the new day sun.

    Strength and families needs to be healed.

    The birds are uttering the new day.

    A bright light shines with pride.

    A white pigeon build its nest.

    A rainbow promises no more deaths

  8. helps keep my brain from detiorating from doing nothing all day:)

  9. I play blitz chess, 3/0   2/0  and 1/0

    I just think it is fun, exciting and it is something that makes me think

  10. For the same reason I like chocolate ice cream, or I like vinegar on my french fries.  I just do.

  11. I prefer stratego or monopoly- chess is cool to play with your grandpa or foreigners because it's the same in each country

  12. I play for the Art!

    Every time I play I want to create a work of art something beautiful that I can show my friends.

  13. I play chess because I enjoy the game, win or lose.

    Chess can be played when it is too rainy to play golf, too muddy to fish, and too cold to do anything outside, and does not require electricity or a phone line or anything. In fact, two players can play in the dark with no board or players! That is the advantage of a low tech game.



  14. wow i used to love to play chess back when. its a total strategy game and you can improve, unlike some other board games you can really perdict what your aponent might do and its the satisfaction of getting better yourself. it helps you to see more ahead, and take into concideration that you may lose something to gain something. im pathetic though, i see chess like life.

  15. its fun,cool,and passes time
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